Namespace for renderer system.
- Source:
- Abstract2DDrawBridge
- Abstract3DDrawBridge
- AbstractRenderer
- AbstractTextDrawBridge
- Base2DRenderer
- Base2DRenderer
- Base3DRenderer
- Base3DRenderer
- BaseGlyph2DRenderer
- BaseRichTextDrawer
- BoundInfoRecorder
- CanvasRendererBridge
- ChemCtab2DRenderer
- ChemCtab3DRenderer
- ChemDisplayTextUtils
- ChemObj2DRenderer
- ChemObj3DRenderer
- ChemObj3DRenderer
- ChemObjGroupList2DRenderer
- ChemObjGroupList3DRenderer
- ChemObjPainter
- ChemObjPainter
- ChemObjPainter2D
- ChemObjPainter2D
- ChemObjPainter3D
- ChemObjPainter3D
- ChemSpace2DRenderer
- ChemSpace3DRenderer
- ChemSpaceElement2DRenderer
- ChemSpaceElement3DRenderer
- ColorConfigs
- CompositeMolecule2DRenderer
- CompositeMolecule3DRenderer
- CompositeObj2DRenderer
- CompositeObj3DRenderer
- CompositeRenderer
- ConnectorDrawUtils
- CoordSystem
- Ctab2DRenderer
- DisplayLabelConfigs
- DrawPathUtils
- DummyRenderer
- Formula2DRenderer
- GeneralConfigs
- ImageBlock2DRenderer
- ImageBlock2DRenderer
- Length3DConfigs
- LengthConfigs
- MetaShapeUtils
- Model3DConfigs
- Molecule3DDisplayConfigs
- MoleculeDisplayConfigs
- ObjUtils
- PathGlyph2DRenderer
- PathGlyph2DRenderer
- PathGlyphCtab2DRenderer
- PredefinedConfigsMap
- RaphaelRendererBridge
- Reaction2DRenderer
- Render2DConfigs
- Render3DConfigs
- Render3DEnvironmentConfigs
- Render3DOptionUtils
- RenderColorUtils
- Renderer2DFactory
- Renderer3DFactory
- RenderOptionUtils
- RichText
- RichTextBased2DRenderer
- RichTextBased2DRenderer
- RichTextUtils
- StructFragment2DRenderer
- StructFragment2DRenderer
- StructFragment3DRenderer
- StructFragment3DRenderer
- TextBasedChemMarker2DRenderer
- TextBasedChemMarker2DRenderer
- TextBlock2DRenderer
- TextDrawUtils
- TextFontConfigs
- ThreeContext
- ThreeContext
- ThreeRendererBridge
- ThreeRendererBridge
- UnbondedElectronSetRenderer
(static) Bond3DRenderMode
Enumeration of types to render a bond in 3D.
Name Type Description NONE
do not render bond. WIRE
One wire is used to represent one bond (multiple or not). MULTI_WIRE
Multiple wires are used for multiple bond. CYLINDER
One cylinder is used to represent one bond (multiple or not). MULTI_CYLINDER
Use multiple cylinders for multiple bond. isWireMode
Check if connector / bond should be draw in lines. isCylinderMode
Check if connector / bond should be draw in cylinders. - Source:
(static) Bond3DRenderType
Enumeration of types to draw a connector (bond) in 3D render.
Name Type Description SINGLE
Just one line or cylinder, used for most bonds. DOUBLE
Double lines or cylinders, used for double bond. TRIPLE
Triple lines or cylinders, used for triple bond. DASH
Dash line or cylinder, usually used for H-bond. SOLID_DASH
One solid and a dash line or cylinder, used for aromatic bond. - Source:
(static) Bond3DSpliceMode
Enumeration of types to decide how a bond is splitted in 3D render.
Name Type Description UNSPLIT
Bond draw as a whole, not split. MID_SPLIT
Split from the middle, as two line with the same length. WEIGHTING_SPLIT
Split, a biger atom gains biger part of bond - Source:
(static) BondRenderType
Enumeration of types of rendering a bond line.
Name Type Description SINGLE
Usual single bond, draw in a thin line DOUBLE
Usual double bond, draw in thin double line TRIPLE
Usual triple bond, draw in thin triple line QUAD
Dashed bond line DASHED_DOUBLE
Dashed double line DASHED_TRIPLE
Dashed triple line SOLID_DASH
A sold and a dashed line, usually used for aromatic bond ARROWED
A line with a arrow in the end, usually for coordinate-bond ARROWED_INV
A line with a arrow in the head, usually for coordinate-bond HASHED
A hashed line BOLD
A bold line, usually for bond above paper BOLD_DOUBLE
A bold and a normal line, usually for double bond above paper BOLD_TRIPLE
A bold and two normal line, usually for triple bond above paper BOLD_QUAD
A bold and a dash line, usually for aromatic bond above paper WEDGED_SOLID
A solid wedge triangle from atom 1 to atom 2, usually for wedge up bond WEDGED_SOLID_INV
A solid wedge triangle from atom 2 to atom 1, usually for wedge up bond WEDGED_HOLLOW
A hollow wedge triangle from atom 1 to atom 2, usually for wedge up bond WEDGED_HOLLOW_INV
A hollow wedge triangle from atom 2 to atom 1, usually for wedge up bond WEDGED_HASHED
A hased wedge triangle from atom 1 to atom 2, usually for wedge down bond WEDGED_HASHED_INV
A hased wedge triangle from atom 2 to atom 1, usually for wedge down bond WEDGED_SOLID_BOTH
A bold rectangle, indicating a bond near the observer. Usually connected with wedged bonds. WEDGED_HOLLOW_BOTH
A bold hollow rectangle, indicating a bond near the observer. Usually connected with wedged bonds. WAVY
A wavy line, usually used for bond with uncertain stereo SCISSORS_DOUBLE
A cross double bond, means an uncertain E or Z stereo - Source:
(static) BoxXAlignment
Enumeration of alignment types of box in horizontal direction.
Name Type Description LEFT
- Source:
(static) BoxYAlignment
Enumeration of alignment types of box in vertical direction.
Name Type Description TOP
- Source:
(static) ChargeMarkRenderType
Enumeration of types to render a charge on atom.
Name Type Description NUM_WITH_SYMBOL
Number + symbol, such as 2+, 3- DEFAULT
Surrond with a circle to emphasis, the circle will only be draw when charge = +1/-1 - Source:
(static) CoordPos
The position of coord point in object box.
Name Type Description CENTER
Center point of object. CORNER_TL
Top left point of object, usually used in blocks of 2D context. DEFAULT
Default value, same as CENTER. - Source:
(static, constant) DEF_ATOM_ATOMIC_NUM
C is the most common element in organic molecule. So the label of C will be ignored in bond-line formula.
- Source:
(static) DrawBridge2DMananger
Draw bridge manager for 2D rendering.
- Source:
(static) DrawBridge3DMananger
Draw bridge manager for 3D rendering.
- Source:
(static) HydrogenDisplayLevel
Enumeration of hydrongen display strategy (espcially in 2D renderer).
Name Type Description NONE
No hydrongen is displayed EXPLICIT
Only display explicit hydrogens. UNMATCHED_EXPLICIT
Display explicit hydrogens only when the count is not the same as implicit. ALL
Display all hydrogens, whether explicit or implicit ones. DEFAULT
Default is EXPLICIT. - Source:
(static) MetaShapeType
Enumeration of shape types to describle meta shape info.
Name Type Description POINT
A single point on context. Can be determinated by a single coord ({[coord]}). CIRCLE
A circle on context. Can be determinated by a single coord and a radius. ({[coord], radius}) LINE
A line on context, determinated by two coords and a width property ({[coord1, coord2], width). RECT
A rectangle on context, determinated by two coords ({[coord1, coord2]}). ARC
An arc on context, determinated by a single coord and radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise. POLYLINE
Unclosed polyline, determinated by a set of coords ({[coord1, coord2, coord3, ... }). POLYGON
Polygon, determinated by a set of coords ({[coord1, coord2, coord3, ... }). SPHERE
A shpere on 3D context. Can be determinated by a single coord and a radius. ({[coord], radius}) CYLINDER
Cylinder in 3D context. Can be determinated by two coords and a radius. ({[coord1, coord2], radius}) COMPOSITE
A complex shape composited of a series of child shapes. In implementation, an array of meta shapes will map to this type. - Source:
(static) Molecule3DDisplayType
Enumeration of types to render a molecule in 3D.
Name Type Description WIRE
Wire frame STICKS
Ball and stick SPACE_FILL
Space fill DEFAULT
Default is ball and stick - Source:
(static) MoleculeDisplayType
Enumeration of molecule display type, condensed formula or bond-line formula.
Name Type Description SKELETAL
bond-line formula CONDENSED
Condensed formula DEFAULT
- Source:
(static) Node3DRenderMode
Enumeration of types to draw a node (atom) in 3D render.
Name Type Description NONE
Do not render explicit atom, used in WIRE display mode. BALL
Render atom as ball, used in BALL_STICK display mode. SPACE
Render atom as a huge ball, according to Vdw radius, used in SPACE_FILL display mode. - Source:
(static) NodeLabelDisplayMode
Enumeration of node label (usually atom label) display mode (especially in 2D renderer).
Name Type Description HIDDEN
Label is hidden SHOWN
Label should be shown SMART
Whether show label is decided by the display type of molecule DEFAULT
Default is SMART - Source:
(static) ObjectUpdateType
Enumeration of types of updating a object.
Name Type Description MODIFY
Modify a existing object. ADD
Add a new object. REMOVE
Remove a existing object. CLEAR
Clear whole object. - Source:
(static) Render3DGraphicQuality
Enumeration of graphic quality levels to render objects in 3D.
Name Type Description EXTREME_LOW
- Source:
(static) RendererType
Enumeration of renderer types: 2D or 3D.
Name Type Description R2D
2D renderer. R3D
3D renderer. - Source:
(static) TextAlign
Enumeration of horizontal / vertical alignment of text.
Name Type Description DEFAULT
LEADING and TRAILING are related align mode, related to text direction. This function returns absolute align value due to textDirection. - Source:
(static) TextBoxAlignmentMode
Enumeration of alignment mode of a rich text box.
Name Type Description BOX
Alignment based on the whole text box ANCHOR
Alignment based on the childmost anchor item of rich text - Source:
(static) TextDirection
Enumeration of direction of text (especially rich text label).
Name Type Description DEFAULT
Left to right. RTL
Right to left. TTB
Top to bottom. BTT
Bottom to top INHERIT
Inherit from parent setting - Source:
(static) get2DRendererClass(chemObj) → {Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer}
Returns a suitable 2D renderer class for chemObj
Name Type Description chemObj
Object - Source:
(static) get3DRendererClass(chemObj) → {Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer}
Returns a suitable 3D renderer class for chemObj
Name Type Description chemObj
Object - Source:
(static) getRender2DConfigs() → {Kekule.Render.RenderConfigs}
Get a singleton instance of Kekule.Render.Render2DConfigs.
- Source:
- Type
- Kekule.Render.RenderConfigs
(static) getRender3DConfigs() → {Kekule.Render.RenderConfigs}
Get a singleton instance of Kekule.Render.Render3DConfigs.
- Source:
- Type
- Kekule.Render.RenderConfigs