* @fileoverview
* Base (abstract) class of 2D or 3D molecule renderers.
* @author Partridge Jiang
* requires /lan/classes.js
* requires /core/kekule.common.js
* requires /render/kekule.render.utils.js
"use strict";
* Namespace for renderer system.
* @namespace
Kekule.Render = {};
* Enumeration of coord systems (chemObject, context or screen).
* @class
Kekule.Render.CoordSystem = {
/** ChemObject system, used to mark the inner structure of chem objects. 2D or 3D. */
CHEM: 0,
/** Context system, used for draw bridges. 2D or 3D. */
/** Screen system, 2D, usually in pixel. */
* Enumeration of interaction states of chem object (node or connector).
* @class
* @deprecated
//Kekule.Render.InteractState = {
/** Normal state. */
//NORMAL: 'normal',
/** Mouse hover above. */
//HOVER: 'hover',
/** Object is selected. */
//ACTIVE: 'active'
* Enumeration of renderer types: 2D or 3D.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.RendererType = {
/** 2D renderer. */
R2D: 2,
/** 3D renderer. */
R3D: 3
* The position of coord point in object box.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.CoordPos = {
/** Center point of object. */
/** Top left point of object, usually used in blocks of 2D context. */
/** Default value, same as CENTER. */
* C is the most common element in organic molecule. So the label of C will be ignored in bond-line formula.
* @constant
Kekule.Render.DEF_ATOM_ATOMIC_NUM = 6;
* Enumeration of molecule display type, condensed formula or bond-line formula.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayType = {
/** bond-line formula */
/** Condensed formula */
Kekule.Render.Molecule2DDisplayType = Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayType;
* Enumeration of node label (usually atom label) display mode (especially in 2D renderer).
* @enum
Kekule.Render.NodeLabelDisplayMode = {
/** Label is hidden */
/** Label should be shown */
/** Whether show label is decided by the display type of molecule */
/** Default is SMART */
* Enumeration of hydrongen display strategy (espcially in 2D renderer).
* @enum
Kekule.Render.HydrogenDisplayLevel = {
/** No hydrongen is displayed */
NONE: 0,
/** Only display explicit hydrogens. */
/** Display explicit hydrogens only when the count is not the same as implicit. */
/** Display all hydrogens, whether explicit or implicit ones. */
ALL: 10,
/** Default is EXPLICIT. */
* Enumeration of direction of text (especially rich text label).
* @enum
Kekule.Render.TextDirection = {
/** @ignore */
/** Left to right. */
LTR: 1,
/** Right to left. */
RTL: 3,
/** Top to bottom. */
TTB: 2,
/** Bottom to top */
BTT: 4,
/** Inherit from parent setting */
/* Decide the direction by environment around. Useful when draw label in ctab. */
/*SMART: 20*/
* Enumeration of horizontal / vertical alignment of text.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.TextAlign = {
/*BASELINE: 0, //??????*/
LEFT: 1,
TOP: 3,
* LEADING and TRAILING are related align mode, related to text direction.
* This function returns absolute align value due to textDirection.
* @returns {Int}
getAbsAlign: function(textAlign, textDirection)
var result = textAlign;
var TA = Kekule.Render.TextAlign;
var TD = Kekule.Render.TextDirection;
if ((textAlign === TA.LEADING) || (textAlign === TA.TRAILING))
var isLeading = textAlign == TA.LEADING;
switch (textDirection)
case TD.RTL: result = isLeading? TA.RIGHT: TA.LEFT; break;
case TD.TTB: result = isLeading? TA.TOP: TA.BOTTOM; break;
case TD.BTT: result = isLeading? TA.BOTTOM: TA.TOP; break;
case TD.LTR:
result = isLeading? TA.LEFT: TA.RIGHT; break;
return result;
* Enumeration of alignment types of box in horizontal direction.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.BoxXAlignment = {
LEFT: 0,
* Enumeration of alignment types of box in vertical direction.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.BoxYAlignment = {
TOP: 0,
* Enumeration of alignment mode of a rich text box.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.TextBoxAlignmentMode = {
/** Alignment based on the whole text box */
BOX: 0,
/** Alignment based on the childmost anchor item of rich text */
* Enumeration of types of rendering a bond line.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.BondRenderType = {
/** Usual single bond, draw in a thin line */
/** Usual double bond, draw in thin double line */
/** Usual triple bond, draw in thin triple line */
/* Usual quad bond, draw in thin quad line */
QUAD: 3,
/** Dashed bond line */
/** Dashed double line */
/** Dashed triple line */
/** A sold and a dashed line, usually used for aromatic bond */
/** A line with a arrow in the end, usually for coordinate-bond */
/** A line with a arrow in the head, usually for coordinate-bond */
/** A hashed line */
/** A bold line, usually for bond above paper */
BOLD: 11,
/** A bold and a normal line, usually for double bond above paper */
/** A bold and two normal line, usually for triple bond above paper */
/* A bold and three normal line, usually for quad bond above paper */
/** A bold and a dash line, usually for aromatic bond above paper */
/** A solid wedge triangle from atom 1 to atom 2, usually for wedge up bond */
/** A solid wedge triangle from atom 2 to atom 1, usually for wedge up bond */
/** A hollow wedge triangle from atom 1 to atom 2, usually for wedge up bond */
/** A hollow wedge triangle from atom 2 to atom 1, usually for wedge up bond */
/** A hased wedge triangle from atom 1 to atom 2, usually for wedge down bond */
/** A hased wedge triangle from atom 2 to atom 1, usually for wedge down bond */
/** A bold rectangle, indicating a bond near the observer. Usually connected with wedged bonds. */
/** A bold hollow rectangle, indicating a bond near the observer. Usually connected with wedged bonds. */
/** A wavy line, usually used for bond with uncertain stereo */
WAVY: 30,
/** A cross double bond, means an uncertain E or Z stereo */
* Enumeration of types to render a charge on atom.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.ChargeMarkRenderType = {
/** Number + symbol, such as 2+, 3- */
/** Only symbol, such as ++, = */
/** Surrond with a circle to emphasis, the circle will only be draw when charge = +1/-1 */
* Enumeration of graphic quality levels to render objects in 3D.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.Render3DGraphicQuality = {
LOW: 2,
HIGH: 4,
* Enumeration of types to render a molecule in 3D.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayType = {
/** Wire frame */
WIRE: 31,
/** Sticks */
/** Ball and stick */
/** Space fill */
/** Default is ball and stick */
* Enumeration of types to render a bond in 3D.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.Bond3DRenderMode = {
/** do not render bond. */
NONE: 0,
/** One wire is used to represent one bond (multiple or not). */
WIRE: 1,
/** Multiple wires are used for multiple bond. */
/** One cylinder is used to represent one bond (multiple or not). */
/** Use multiple cylinders for multiple bond. */
* Check if connector / bond should be draw in lines.
* @param {Int} mode
* @returns {Bool}
isWireMode: function(mode)
var M = Kekule.Render.Bond3DRenderMode;
return (mode === M.WIRE) || (mode === M.MULTI_WIRE);
* Check if connector / bond should be draw in cylinders.
* @param {Int} mode
* @returns {Bool}
isCylinderMode: function(mode)
var M = Kekule.Render.Bond3DRenderMode;
return (mode === M.CYLINDER) || (mode === M.MULTI_CYLINDER);
* Enumeration of types to decide how a bond is splitted in 3D render.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.Bond3DSpliceMode = {
/** Bond draw as a whole, not split. */
/** Split from the middle, as two line with the same length. */
/** Split, a biger atom gains biger part of bond */
* Enumeration of types to draw a connector (bond) in 3D render.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.Bond3DRenderType = {
/** Just one line or cylinder, used for most bonds. */
/** Double lines or cylinders, used for double bond. */
/** Triple lines or cylinders, used for triple bond. */
/** Dash line or cylinder, usually used for H-bond. */
DASH: -1,
/** One solid and a dash line or cylinder, used for aromatic bond. */
* Enumeration of types to draw a node (atom) in 3D render.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.Node3DRenderMode = {
/** Do not render explicit atom, used in WIRE display mode. */
NONE: 0,
/** Render atom as ball, used in BALL_STICK display mode. */
BALL: 1,
/** Render atom as a huge ball, according to Vdw radius, used in SPACE_FILL display mode. */
///** Render as small ball at the end of bond, used in STICKS display mode */
* Enumeration of shape types to describle meta shape info.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.MetaShapeType = {
// 2D shapes
/** A single point on context. Can be determinated by a single coord ({[coord]}). */
/** A circle on context. Can be determinated by a single coord and a radius. ({[coord], radius}) */
/** A line on context, determinated by two coords and a width property ({[coord1, coord2], width). */
LINE: 2,
/** A rectangle on context, determinated by two coords ({[coord1, coord2]}). */
RECT: 3,
/** An arc on context, determinated by a single coord and radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise. */
ARC: 5,
/** Unclosed polyline, determinated by a set of coords ({[coord1, coord2, coord3, ... }). */
/** Polygon, determinated by a set of coords ({[coord1, coord2, coord3, ... }). */
// 3D shapes
/** A shpere on 3D context. Can be determinated by a single coord and a radius. ({[coord], radius}) */
SPHERE: 101,
/** Cylinder in 3D context. Can be determinated by two coords and a radius. ({[coord1, coord2], radius}) */
* A complex shape composited of a series of child shapes.
* In implementation, an array of meta shapes will map to this type.
// Alias of MetaShapeType
Kekule.Render.BoundShapeType = Kekule.Render.MetaShapeType;
* Enumeration of types of updating a object.
* @enum
Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType = {
/** Modify a existing object. */
/** Add a new object. */
ADD: 1,
/** Remove a existing object. */
/** Clear whole object. */
* Base class for different types of concrete renderers.
* @class
* @augments ObjectEx
* @param {Kekule.ChemObject} chemObj Object to be drawn.
* @param {Object} drawBridge Concrete draw bridge to do the actual draw job.
* //@param {Object} renderConfigs Configuration for rendering.
* // This property should be an instance of {@link Kekule.Render.Render2DConfigs} or {@link Kekule.Render.Render3DConfigs}.
* @param {Kekule.ObjectEx} parent Parent object of this renderer, usually another renderer or an instance of {@link Kekule.Render.ChemObjPainter}, or null.
* @property {Kekule.ChemObject} chemObj Object to be drawn, read only.
* @property {Object} drawBridge Concrete draw bridge to do the actual draw job.
* //@property {Object} renderConfigs Configuration for rendering.
* // This property should be an instance of {@link Kekule.Render.Render2DConfigs} or {@link Kekule.Render.Render3DConfigs}
* //@property {Object} renderCache Stores params (center coord, options, matrix...) on last draw process.
* @property {Kekule.ObjectEx} parent Parent object of this renderer, usually another renderer or an instance of {@link Kekule.Render.ChemObjPainter}.
* @property {Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer} parentRenderer Parent renderer that calls this one.
* @property {Bool} canModifyTargetObj If set to true, renderer may change the rendered object (e.g., add charge markers, change block sizes...).
* This property can inherit value from parent.
* @property {Object} redirectContext If this property is set, renderer will draw on this one instead if the context in drawXXX methods.
* This property is used by editor. User should utilize this property with caution.
* Invoked when a basic object (node, connector, glyph...) is drawn, updated or removed.
* event param of it has fields: {obj, parentObj, boundInfo, updateType}
* where boundInfo provides the bound box information of this object on context. It has the following fields:
* {
* context: drawing context object
* obj: drawn object
* parentObj: parent of drawn object
* boundInfo: a hash containing info of bound, including fields:
* {
* shapeType: value from {@link Kekule.Render.MetaShapeType} or {@link Kekule.Render.Meta3DShapeType}.
* coords: [Array of coords]
* }
* updateType: add, modify or remove
* }
* boundInfo may also be a array for complex situation (such as multicenter bond): [boundInfo1, boundInfo2, boundInfo3...].
* Note that in removed event, boundInfo may be null.
* @name Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer#updateBasicDrawObject
* @event
* Invoked when whole chem object (molecule, reaction...) is prepared to be drawn in context.
* event param of it has two fields: {context, obj}
* @name Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer#prepareDrawing
* @event
* Invoked when whole chem object (molecule, reaction...) is drawn in context.
* event param of it has two fields: {context, obj}
* @name Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer#draw
* @event
* Invoked when whole chem object (molecule, reaction...) is cleared from context.
* event param of it has two fields: {context, obj}
* NOTE: this event is not well implemented and may be buggy.
* @name Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer#clear
* @event
Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer = Class.create(ObjectEx,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer',
/** @private */
RENDER_CACHE_FIELD: '__$renderCache$__',
/** @constructs */
initialize: function($super, chemObj, drawBridge, /*renderConfigs,*/ parent)
this.setPropValue('chemObj', chemObj, true); // since we have no setChemObj method, use this instead
if (renderConfigs)
if (parent)
this.setBubbleEvent(true); // allow event bubble
this._suspendUpdateStatus = 0; // used internal
this._suspendUpdateInfos = [];
finalize: function($super)
//console.log('release renderer', this.getClassName());
this.setPropValue('chemObj', null, true);
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('chemObj', {'dataType': 'Kekule.ChemObject', 'serializable': false, 'setter': null}); // readonly
this.defineProp('baseCoord', {'dataType': DataType.HASH, 'serializable': false,
'getter': function()
var result = this.getPropStoreFieldValue('baseCoord');
if (!result)
result = this.getAutoBaseCoord();
return result;
this.defineProp('drawBridge', {'dataType': DataType.OBJECT, 'serializable': false});
//this.defineProp('renderConfigs', {'dataType': DataType.OBJECT, 'serializable': false});
//this.defineProp('renderCache', {'dataType': DataType.OBJECT, 'serializable': false});
this.defineProp('parent', {'dateType': DataType.OBJECT, 'serializable': false});
'dateType': 'Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer', 'serializable': false,
'getter': function()
var p = this.getParent();
return (p instanceof Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer)? p: null;
'setter': function(value)
this.defineProp('redirectContext', {'dataType': DataType.OBJECT, 'serializable': false});
this.defineProp('canModifyTargetObj', {'dataType': DataType.BOOL, 'serializable': false,
'getter': function()
var result = this.getPropStoreFieldValue('canModifyTargetObj');
if (Kekule.ObjUtils.isUnset(result))
var p = this.getParent();
if (p && p.getCanModifyTargetObj)
result = p.getCanModifyTargetObj();
return result;
* Check if current renderer is the topmost one (without parent renderer, but maybe has parent painter).
isRootRenderer: function()
return !this.getParentRenderer();
/** @private */
getHigherLevelObj: function()
return this.getParent();
* Report the type (2D or 3D) of this renderer.
* @returns {Int} Value from {@link Kekule.Render.RendererType}.
getRendererType: function()
return Kekule.Render.RendererType.R2D; // default is 2D renderer
* Report coord mode of this renderer.
* @returns {Int} Value from {@link Kekule.CoordMode}.
getCoordMode: function()
var rType = this.getRendererType();
return (rType === Kekule.Render.RendererType.R3D)? Kekule.CoordMode.COORD3D: Kekule.CoordMode.COORD2D;
* Returns draw params (center coord, options, matrix...) on last draw process on context.
* @returns {Hash}
getRenderCache: function(context)
var result = this.getExtraProp(context, this.RENDER_CACHE_FIELD);
if (!result)
result = {};
this.setExtraProp(context, this.RENDER_CACHE_FIELD, result);
return result;
var result = this._cache; //[this.RENDER_CACHE_FIELD];
if (!result)
this._cache = {'field': 'value'};
result = this._cache;
console.log('initial render cache', this.getClassName());
return result;
* A method that will be called before draw().
* Some preparation job can be done here.
* Note that only the root renderer will call this method.
* @private
beginDraw: function(context, baseCoord, options)
var b = this.getDrawBridge();
if (b.prepareContext)
* A method that will be called after draw().
* Note that only the root renderer will call this method.
* @private
endDraw: function(context, baseCoord, options)
// some draw bridge (such as Three.js need to call render method to do actual draw job.
var b = this.getDrawBridge();
if (b.renderContext)
/** @private */
updateDrawInfoInCache: function(chemObj, context, baseCoord, options, realDrawOptions)
var p = this.getRenderCache(context);
if (context)
p.context = context;
if (baseCoord)
p.baseCoord = baseCoord;
if (chemObj)
p.chemObj = chemObj;
if (options)
p.options = options;
if (realDrawOptions)
p.realDrawOptions = realDrawOptions;
/** @private */
_isCurrChemObjNeedToBeDrawn: function(partialDrawObjs, context)
var selfObj = this.getChemObj();
for (var i = 0, l = partialDrawObjs.length; i < l; ++i)
var obj = partialDrawObjs[i];
if ((obj === selfObj) || (obj.isChildOf(selfObj)))
return true;
return false;
* Auto calculate draw context coord by coord of chem obj. When no baseCoord is provided in draw method,
* this result may be used instead.
* @param {Hash} drawOptions
* @returns {Hash}
getAutoBaseCoord: function(drawOptions)
return this.doGetAutoBaseCoord(drawOptions);
* Do actual work of getAutoBaseCoord.
* Descendants need to override this method.
* @param {Hash} drawOptions
* @returns {Hash}
* @private
doGetAutoBaseCoord: function(drawOptions)
return null;
/** @ignore */
getCachedDrawOptions: function(context)
return this.getRenderCache(context).options;
/** @ignore */
getCachedDrawnElem: function(context)
return this.getRenderCache(context).drawnElem;
* Draw an instance of ChemObject to context.
* The actual job is done in doDraw method. Descendants should override doDraw.
* @param {Object} context Context to be drawn, such as Canvas, SVG, VML and so on.
* @param {Hash} baseCoord Base coord to draw this object, can be null to use coord of chemObj itself.
* This coord is based on context.
* @param {Hash} options Draw options, such as draw rectangle, draw style, zoom and so on.
* Different renderer may requires different option params.
* In options hash object, there may be one special array field: partialDrawObjs. If this field is set,
* then only chem objects in this array will be actually drawn.
* @returns {Object} Drawn element on context (such as SVG) or null on direct context (such as canvas).
draw: function(context, baseCoord, options)
//console.log('[Draw]', this.getClassName(), this.getChemObj().getId? this.getChemObj().getId(): null);
var p = this.getRenderCache(context);
p.context = context;
p.baseCoord = baseCoord;
p.chemObj = this.getChemObj();
//console.log('baseDraw', baseCoord, p);
//this.updateDrawInfoInCache(this.getChemObj(), context, baseCoord, options);
this.__isDrawing = true; // flag avoid duplicated draw
var ops = {};
// actual draw options should also inherited from parent renderer
var parentOps;
var parent = this.getParentRenderer();
if (parent)
var parentOps = parent.getRenderCache().options;
//console.log('parent', this.getClassName(), parentOps);
if (parentOps)
ops = Object.create(parentOps);
if (parentOps)
ops = Object.create(parentOps);
ops = Object.extend(ops, options); // self options should override parent one
ops = Object.create(options || null);
var chemObj = this.getChemObj();
var partialDrawObjs = ops.partialDrawObjs;
if ((this instanceof Kekule.Render.Ctab2DRenderer))
console.log(this.getClassName(), partialDrawObjs, !partialDrawObjs || this._isCurrChemObjNeedToBeDrawn(partialDrawObjs, context));
if (partialDrawObjs && (!this._isCurrChemObjNeedToBeDrawn(partialDrawObjs, context)))
//console.log('no need partial draw', this.getClassName(), chemObj, partialDrawObjs);
return null;
else if (partialDrawObjs)
console.log('partial draw objects', this.getClassName(), partialDrawObjs);
//p.options = ops;
var renderOptionsGetter = (this.getRendererType() === Kekule.Render.RendererType.R3D) ?
'getRender3DOptions' : 'getRenderOptions';
var localOps = chemObj[renderOptionsGetter] ? chemObj[renderOptionsGetter]() : null;
renderOptionsGetter = (this.getRendererType() === Kekule.Render.RendererType.R3D) ?
'getOverriddenRender3DOptions' : 'getOverriddenRenderOptions';
var localOverrideOps = chemObj[renderOptionsGetter] ? chemObj[renderOptionsGetter]() : null;
ops = Kekule.Render.RenderOptionUtils.mergeRenderOptions(localOps || {}, ops);
this.getRenderCache().options = ops;
ops = Kekule.Render.RenderOptionUtils.mergeRenderOptions(localOverrideOps || {}, ops);
//console.log('draw ops', this.getClassName(), localOps, ops);
this.updateDrawInfoInCache(this.getChemObj(), context, baseCoord, options, ops);
var isRoot = this.isRootRenderer();
this.invokeEvent('prepareDrawing', {'context': context, 'obj': this.getChemObj()});
//console.log('DRAW', isRoot);
if (isRoot)
this.beginDraw(context, baseCoord, ops);
var result = this.doDraw(context, baseCoord, ops);
this.getRenderCache(context).drawnElem = result;
if (isRoot)
this.endDraw(context, baseCoord, ops);
this.invokeEvent('draw', {'context': context, 'obj': this.getChemObj()});
this.__isDrawing = false;
return result;
* Do actual work of {@link Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer.draw}.
* @param {Object} context Context to be drawn, such as Canvas, SVG, VML and so on.
* @param {Hash} baseCoord Coord on context to draw the center of chemObj.
* @param {Hash} options Actual draw options, such as draw rectangle, draw style and so on.
* @returns {Object} Drawn element on context (such as SVG) or null on direct context (such as canvas).
* @private
doDraw: function(context, baseCoord, options)
// do nothing here
return this.doDrawSelf(context, baseCoord, options);
* Do actual work of draw self object (without children).
* @param {Object} context Context to be drawn, such as Canvas, SVG, VML and so on.
* @param {Hash} baseCoord Coord on context to draw the center of chemObj.
* @param {Hash} options Actual draw options, such as draw rectangle, draw style and so on.
* @returns {Object} Drawn element on context (such as SVG) or null on direct context (such as canvas).
* @private
doDrawSelf: function(context, baseCoord, options)
// do nothing here
return null;
* Redraw previous object on context with same draw options. Should not be called before draw.
* @param {Object} context
redraw: function(context)
var isRoot = this.isRootRenderer();
//console.log('[Redraw]', isRoot, this.getClassName(), this.getChemObj().getId? this.getChemObj().getId(): null);
//console.log('REDRAW', this.getClassName(), isRoot);
if (isRoot)
var cache = this.getRenderCache(context) || {};
this.beginDraw(context, cache.baseCoord, cache.options);
var result = this.doRedraw(context);
this.getRenderCache(context).drawnElem = result;
if (isRoot)
this.endDraw(context, cache.baseCoord, cache.options);
return result;
* Do actual work of {@link Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer.redraw}. Descendants may override this method.
* @param {Object} context
* @private
doRedraw: function(context)
// A default implementation. Descendants can override this to provide a more efficient one.
var p = this.getRenderCache(context);
//return this.doDraw(context, p.baseCoord, p.realDrawOptions);
return this.draw(context, p.baseCoord, p.options);
* Whether current renderer can modify elements drawn on context.
* @param {Object} context
* @returns {Bool}
canModifyGraphic: function(context)
var b = this.getDrawBridge();
return b.canModifyGraphic? b.canModifyGraphic(context): false;
* Call this method before a series of rendered element updating job (for instance, call update method)
* to avoid unnecessary redraw.
beginUpdateRenderer: function()
* Call this method after a series of rendered element updateing job,
* notify the renderer to redraw the context.
endUpdateRenderer: function()
if (this._suspendUpdateStatus <= 0)
this._suspendUpdateStatus = 0;
if (!this.isUpdatingRenderer())
/** @private */
doEndUpdateRenderer: function()
this._suspendUpdateInfos = [];
* Check if beginUpdateRenderer is called and endUpdateRenderer is not called yet.
* @returns {Bool}
isUpdatingRenderer: function()
return this._suspendUpdateStatus > 0;
* Do a update job according to info provided by updateItems. Must be called after draw.
* @param {Array} updateInfos Each item has format: {context, items: [{updateType, updatedObjDetails: [{obj, propNames}]}]}
* @returns {Bool}
updateEx: function(updateInfos)
var canModify;
var result = true;
if (!this.isUpdatingRenderer())
canModify = this.canModifyGraphic(context);
if (canModify)
//result = this.doUpdate(context, updatedObjs, updateType);
for (var i = 0, l = updateInfos.length; i < l; ++i)
var info = updateInfos[i];
var context = info.context;
for (var j = 0, k = info.items.length; j < k; ++j)
var item = info.items[j];
result = result && this.doUpdate(context, item.updatedObjDetails, item.updateType);
if (!result) // update individual failed
if (!result)
//if (!result) // can not update by self, call parent or repaint the whole context
else // can not modify graphic, call parent to update the whole context
var isRoot = this.isRootRenderer();
if (isRoot)
//console.log('update root', this.getClassName());
var contexts = [];
for (var i = 0, l = updateInfos.length; i < l; ++i)
var info = updateInfos[i];
var context = info.context;
Kekule.ArrayUtils.pushUnique(contexts, context);
for (var i = 0, l = contexts.length; i < l; ++i)
var cache = this.getRenderCache(context);
//console.log('draw root once', this.getClassName());
this.draw(context, cache.baseCoord, cache.options);
return true;
var p = this.getParentRenderer();
return p.updateEx(updateInfos);
return result;
else // updating, suspend
if (!this._suspendUpdateInfos)
this._suspendUpdateInfos = [];
this._mergeRendererUpdateInfo(this._suspendUpdateInfos, updateInfos);
return true;
* Merge src into dest
* @private
_mergeRendererUpdateInfo: function(dest, src)
for (var i = 0, l = src.length; i < l; ++i)
var info = src[i];
var index = this._indexOfContextInRendererUpdateInfos(info.context, dest);
if (index < 0)
var old = dest[index];
// TODO: updateType not yet merged
old.items = old.items.concat(info.items);
return dest;
/** @private */
_indexOfContextInRendererUpdateInfos: function(context, infos)
for (var i = 0, l = infos.length; i < l; ++i)
var info = infos[i];
if (info.context === context)
return i;
return -1;
* Update a child object inside chemObj. Must be called after draw.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Variant} updatedObjDetails Object detail containing field {obj, propNames} or array of details.
* @param {Int} updateType Value from {@link Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType}
* @returns {Bool}
update: function(context, updatedObjDetails, updateType)
var result = false;
if (this.canModifyGraphic(context))
result = this.doUpdate(context, updatedObjs, updateType);
if (!result) // can not update by self, call parent or repaint the whole context
if (this.isRootRenderer())
var cache = this.getRenderCache(context);
this.draw(context, cache.baseCoord, cache.options);
return true;
var p = this.getParentRenderer();
return p.update(context, updatedObjs, updateType);
return result;
var objDetails = [];
for (var i = 0, l = updatedObjDetails.length; i < l; ++i)
var obj = updatedObjDetails[i].obj;
if (this.isChemObjRenderedBySelf(context, obj))
if (objDetails.length)
return this.updateEx([{'context': context, items: [{'updateType': updateType, 'updatedObjDetails': objDetails/*updatedObjs*/}]}]);
return true;
* Do actual work of update. Descendants may override this.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Array} updatedObjDetails Object detail containing field {obj, propNames} or array of details.
* @param {Int} updateType Value from {@link Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType}
* @returns {Bool}
* @private
doUpdate: function(context, updateObjDetails, updateType)
//console.log('do update', this.getClassName(), updateObjDetails);
return this.doUpdateSelf(context, updateObjDetails, updateType);
* Do actual work of update self (without children). Descendants should override this.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Array} updatedObjDetails Object detail containing field {obj, propNames} or array of details.
* @param {Int} updateType Value from {@link Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType}
* @returns {Bool}
* @private
doUpdateSelf: function(context, updatedObjDetails, updateType)
//console.log('[doUpdateSelf]', this.getClassName(), updatedObjDetails);
var r = false;
if (this.canModifyGraphic(context))
/* // TODO: now has bugs, disable it
// work well now? 2014-06-06
if (updatedObjs.indexOf(this.getChemObj()))
if (updateType === Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType.CLEAR)
return this.doClear(context);
//console.log('update by redraw', this.getClassName(), updatedObjs);
// simpliest method to update is to redraw the whole chemObj
var p = this.getRenderCache(context);
return this.draw(context, p.baseCoord, p.options);
var redrawSelf = false;
var chemObj = this.getChemObj();
for (var i = 0, l = updatedObjDetails.length; i < l; ++i)
var detail = updatedObjDetails[i];
if (detail.obj === chemObj)
//console.log('update self detail', this.getClassName(), detail.obj.getId());
redrawSelf = true;
if (redrawSelf)
if (updateType === Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType.CLEAR)
return this.doClear(context);
//console.log('<update by redraw>', this.getClassName(), updatedObjDetails);
// simpliest method to update is to redraw the whole chemObj
var p = this.getRenderCache(context);
return this.draw(context, p.baseCoord, p.options);
var T = Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType;
switch (updateType)
case T.ADD:
r = this.doAddNew(context, updatedObjs);
case T.MODIFY:
r = this.doModify(context, updatedObjs);
case T.REMOVE:
r = this.doRemove(context, updatedObjs);
case T.CLEAR:
r = this.doClear(context);
this.invokeEvent('clear', {'context': context, 'obj': this.getChemObj()});
return r;
/** @ignore */
_extractObjsOfUpdateObjDetails: function(updatedObjDetails)
return Kekule.Render.UpdateObjUtils._extractObjsOfUpdateObjDetails(updatedObjDetails);
/** @ignore */
_createUpdateObjDetailsFromObjs: function(updatedObjs)
return Kekule.Render.UpdateObjUtils._createUpdateObjDetailsFromObjs(updatedObjs);
* Add a new child object to chemObj. Must be called after draw.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Variant} updatedObjs
* @returns {Bool} Whether the actual add job is done.
* @private
addNew: function(context, updatedObjs)
var details = this._createUpdateObjDetailsFromObjs(updatedObjs);
return this.update(context, details, Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType.ADD);
* Do actual work of addNew. Descendants should override this.
* This function should return true after actual work done. Otherwise false should be returned.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Variant} updatedObjs
* @returns {Bool}
* @private
* @deprecated
doAddNew: function(context, updatedObjs)
return false;
* Modify chemObj or a child object inside chemObj. Must be called after draw.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Variant} updatedObjs
* @returns {Bool} Whether the actual modify job is done.
* @private
modify: function(context, updatedObjDetails)
return this.update(context, updatedObjDetails, Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType.MODIFY);
* Do actual work of modify. Descendants should override this.
* This function should return true after actual work done. Otherwise false should be returned.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Variant} updatedObjs
* @returns {Bool}
* @private
* @deprecated
doModify: function(context, updatedObjs)
return false;
* Remove a child object inside chemObj and update the rendering. Must be called after draw.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Variant} removedObjs
* @returns {Bool} Whether the actual remove job is done.
* @private
remove: function(context, removedObjs)
var details = this._createUpdateObjDetailsFromObjs(removedObjs);
return this.update(context, details, Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType.REMOVE);
* Do actual work of remove. Descendants should override this.
* This function should return true after actual work done. Otherwise false should be returned.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Variant} removedObjs
* @returns {Bool}
* @private
* @deprecated
doRemove: function(context, removedObjs)
return false;
* Clear whole chemObj on context.
* @param {Object} context
* @returns {Bool} Whether the actual clear job is done.
clear: function(context)
//console.log('[Clear]', this.getClassName(), this.getChemObj().getId? this.getChemObj().getId(): null);
//return this.update(context, Kekule.Render.UpdateObjUtils._createUpdateObjDetailsFromObjs([this.getChemObj()]), Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType.CLEAR);
var result = this.doClear(context);
this.invokeEvent('clear', {'context': context, 'obj': this.getChemObj()});
* Do actual job of clear.
* This function should return true after actual work done. Otherwise false should be returned.
* @param {Object} context
* @returns {Bool}
doClear: function(context)
if (this.canModifyGraphic())
return this.doClearSelf(context);
return false;
* Do actual job of clear self (without children). Descendants should override this method.
* This function should return true after actual work done. Otherwise false should be returned.
* @param {Object} context
* @returns {Bool}
doClearSelf: function(context)
if (this.canModifyGraphic())
//console.log('clear', this.getClassName());
var drawnElem = this.getRenderCache(context).drawnElem;
//console.log('clear', drawnElem);
if (drawnElem)
this.getDrawBridge().removeDrawnElem(context, drawnElem);
catch(e) // avoid error when drawnElem is already removed from context
//console.log('clear error', this.getClassName(), drawnElem);
this.getRenderCache(context).drawnElem = null;
return false;
* Estimate the bound box around current chemObj (in chem coord system).
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Bool} allowCoordBorrow
* @returns {Hash} A 2D or 3D box, in chemObj's coord system.
estimateObjBox: function(context, options, allowCoordBorrow)
var box = this.doEstimateObjBox(context, options, allowCoordBorrow);
//console.log('get box', this.getClassName(), box);
// if box has some field which is undefined or null, set it to 0
if (box)
box = this._fillBoxDefaultValue(box, this.getRendererType());
return box;
* Do actual work of {@link Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer.estimateObjBox}.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Bool} allowCoordBorrow
* @returns {Hash} A 2D or 3D box.
* @private
doEstimateObjBox: function(context, options, allowCoordBorrow)
return this.doEstimateSelfObjBox(context, options, allowCoordBorrow);
* Calculate the containing box of only this object (without children).
* Descendants may override this method.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Bool} allowCoordBorrow
* @returns {Hash} A 2D or 3D box.
* @private
doEstimateSelfObjBox: function(context, options, allowCoordBorrow)
return null;
* Estimate the bound box need to render current chemObj (in context coord system).
* Note: this method should not be called outside draw(). Otherwise the result may be unreliable or even no result can be returned.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Hash} baseCoord Center coord in context to draw object. Can be null.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Bool} allowCoordBorrow
* @returns {Hash} A 2D or 3D box, in context's coord system.
estimateRenderBox: function(context, baseCoord, options, allowCoordBorrow)
var box = this.doEstimateRenderBox(context, baseCoord, options, allowCoordBorrow);
// if box has some field which is undefined or null, set it to 0
if (box)
box = this._fillBoxDefaultValue(box, this.getRendererType());
return box;
* Do actual work of {@link Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer.estimateRenderBox}.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Hash} baseCoord Center coord in context to draw object. Can be null.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Bool} allowCoordBorrow
* @returns {Hash} A 2D or 3D box.
* @private
doEstimateRenderBox: function(context, baseCoord, options, allowCoordBorrow)
// do nothing here
return null;
/** @private */
_fillBoxDefaultValue: function(box, rendererType)
if (!box)
box = {};
var is3D = rendererType === Kekule.Render.RendererType.R3D;
var r = {
'x1': box.x1 || 0,
'x2': box.x2 || 0,
'y1': box.y1 || 0,
'y2': box.y2 || 0
if (is3D)
r.z1 = box.z1 || 0;
r.z2 = box.z2 || 0;
return r;
* Transform a context based coord to inner coord basd on chemObj coord system.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Kekule.ChemObject} chemObj
* @param {Hash} coord
* @returns {Hash}
transformCoordToObj: function(context, chemObj, coord)
return this.doTransformCoordToObj(context, chemObj, coord);
/** @private */
doTransformCoordToObj: function(context, chemObj, coord)
return coord;
* Transform a chemObj based inner coord to context based one.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Kekule.ChemObject} chemObj
* @param {Hash} coord
* @returns {Hash}
transformCoordToContext: function(context, chemObj, coord)
return this.doTransformCoordToContext(context, chemObj, coord);
/** @private */
doTransformCoordToContext: function(context, chemObj, coord)
return coord;
* Transform a context based coord to screen based one (usually in pixel).
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Hash} coord
* @return {Hash}
transformContextCoordToScreen: function(context, coord)
return this.doTransformContextCoordToScreen(context, coord);
/** @private */
doTransformContextCoordToScreen: function(context, coord)
var b = this.getDrawBridge();
return (b && b.transformContextCoordToScreen)? b.transformContextCoordToScreen(context, coord): coord;
* Should be called when a basic object (node, connector, glyph...) is drawn on context.
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Object} boundInfo
* @private
basicDrawObjectUpdated: function(context, obj, parentObj, boundInfo, updateType)
if (!boundInfo)
this.invokeEvent('updateBasicDrawObject', {'context': context, 'obj': obj, 'parentObj': parentObj, 'boundInfo': boundInfo, 'updateType': updateType});
* Indicate whether a chemObj (including childObj) is rendered by this renderer, or should be rendered by this renderer.
* Descendants may override this method.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {boolean}
isChemObjRenderedBySelf: function(context, obj)
return (obj === this.getRenderCache(context).chemObj);
* Indicate whether a chemObj (including childObj) is rendered directly by this renderer (not by child renderers).
* Descendants may override this method.
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {boolean}
isChemObjRenderedDirectlyBySelf: function(context, obj)
if (obj && this.getRenderCache(context).chemObj)
return (obj === this.getRenderCache(context).chemObj);
return false;
/** @private */
createBoundInfo: function(boundType, coords, additionalInfos)
return Kekule.Render.MetaShapeUtils.createShapeInfo(boundType, coords, additionalInfos);
/** @private */
createPointBoundInfo: function(coord)
return this.createBoundInfo(Kekule.Render.BoundShapeType.POINT, [coord]);
/** @private */
createCircleBoundInfo: function(coord, radius)
return this.createBoundInfo(Kekule.Render.BoundShapeType.CIRCLE, [coord], {'radius': radius});
/** @private */
createArcBoundInfo: function(coord, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise, width)
return this.createBoundInfo(Kekule.Render.BoundShapeType.ARC, [coord],
{'radius': radius, 'startAngle': startAngle, 'endAngle': endAngle, 'anticlockwise': anticlockwise, 'width': width});
/** @private */
createLineBoundInfo: function(coord1, coord2, width)
return this.createBoundInfo(Kekule.Render.BoundShapeType.LINE, [coord1, coord2], {'width': width});
/** @private */
createRectBoundInfo: function(coord1, coord2)
return this.createBoundInfo(Kekule.Render.BoundShapeType.RECT, [coord1, coord2]);
/** @private */
createSphereBoundInfo: function(coord, radius)
return this.createBoundInfo(Kekule.Render.BoundShapeType.SPHERE, [coord], {'radius': radius});
/** @private */
createCylinderBoundInfo: function(coord1, coord2, radius)
return this.createBoundInfo(Kekule.Render.BoundShapeType.CYLINDER, [coord1, coord2], {'radius': radius});
* A dummy renderer that does nothing.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer
Kekule.Render.DummyRenderer = Class.create(Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.DummyRenderer# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.DummyRenderer',
/** @ignore */
draw: function(context, baseCoord, options)
/** @ignore */
redraw: function(context)
* A base renderer class to draw object togather with its children.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer
Kekule.Render.CompositeRenderer = Class.create(Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.CompositeRenderer# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.CompositeRenderer',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('targetChildObjs', {
'dataType': DataType.ARRAY,
'serializable': false
this.defineProp('childRendererMap', {
'dataType': DataType.OBJECT,
'serializable': false,
'getter': function()
var result = this.getPropStoreFieldValue('childRendererMap');
if (!result)
result = new Kekule.MapEx(true); // non-weak map, as we should store the renderers
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('childRendererMap', result);
return result;
/** @ignore */
finalize: function($super)
/** @ignore */
doEstimateObjBox: function($super, context, options, allowCoordBorrow)
var result = $super(context, options, allowCoordBorrow);
var renderers = this.prepareChildRenderers();
var BU = Kekule.BoxUtils;
for (var i = 0, l = renderers.length; i < l; ++i)
var r = renderers[i];
if (r)
var b = r.estimateObjBox(context, options, allowCoordBorrow);
if (b)
if (!result)
result = BU.clone(b); //Object.extend({}, b);
result = BU.getContainerBox(result, b);
return result;
/** @ignore */
isChemObjRenderedBySelf: function($super, context, obj)
var result = $super(context, obj);
//console.log('check rendered by self', obj.getClassName(), this.getClassName(), result);
if (!result)
var childRenderers = this.getChildRenderers();
for (var i = 0, l = childRenderers.length; i < l; ++i)
var r = childRenderers[i];
if (r.isChemObjRenderedBySelf(context, obj))
return true;
if (!result)
var objs = this.getTargetChildObjs();
result = (objs && objs.indexOf(obj) >= 0);
//console.log('here', this.getClassName(), obj.getClassName(), result);
return result;
/** @ignore */
isChemObjRenderedDirectlyBySelf: function($super, context, obj)
return $super(context, obj);
/** @ignore */
doSetRedirectContext: function($super, value)
// if has child renderers, set redirect context as well
var childRenderers = this.getChildRenderers();
if (childRenderers && childRenderers.length)
for (var i = 0, l = childRenderers.length; i < l; ++i)
* Returns all children of this.getChemObj(). Descendants must override this method.
* If no children is found, null should be returned.
* @returns {Array}
* @private
getChildObjs: function()
var chemObj = this.getChemObj();
if (chemObj && chemObj.getAttachedMarkers)
return [].concat(chemObj.getAttachedMarkers() || []);
return [];
* Prepare all child objects to be drawn.
* @private
prepareChildObjs: function()
var childObjs = this.getTargetChildObjs();
if (childObjs) // already prepared
return childObjs;
return this.getTargetChildObjs();
/** @private */
refreshChildObjs: function()
if (this.getTargetChildObjs().length)
console.log('refresh child', this.getClassName(), this.getTargetChildObjs());
/** @private */
getChildRenderers: function()
return this.getChildRendererMap().getValues();
/** @private */
getRendererForChild: function(childObj, canCreate)
var renderSelector = (this.getRendererType() === Kekule.Render.RendererType.R3D)?
Kekule.Render.get3DRendererClass: Kekule.Render.get2DRendererClass;
var rendererMap = this.getChildRendererMap();
var result = rendererMap.get(childObj);
if (!result && canCreate)
var c = renderSelector(childObj) || Kekule.Render.DummyRenderer; // dummy renderer, do nothing
var result = c? new c(childObj, this.getDrawBridge(), /*this.getRenderConfigs(),*/ this): null; // renderer may be null for some unregistered objects
rendererMap.set(childObj, result);
return result;
* Prepare renders to draw child objects.
* @private
prepareChildRenderers: function()
var rendererMap = this.getChildRendererMap();
var childObjs = this.prepareChildObjs() || [];
// remove unneed renderers
var oldRenderedObjs = rendererMap.getKeys();
for (var i = 0, l = oldRenderedObjs.length; i < l; ++i)
var obj = oldRenderedObjs[i];
if (childObjs.indexOf(obj) < 0)
// add new renderers if needed
for (var i = 0, l = childObjs.length; i < l; ++i)
var childObj = childObjs[i];
this.getRendererForChild(childObj, true);
//return childRenderers;
return rendererMap.getValues();
* Release all child renderer instance.
* @private
releaseChildRenderers: function()
var rendererMap = this.getChildRendererMap();
var childRenderers = rendererMap.getValues();
if (!childRenderers)
for (var i = 0, l = childRenderers.length; i < l; ++i)
/** @private */
hasChildRenderers: function()
var childRenderers = this.getChildRendererMap().getValues();
var result = childRenderers && childRenderers.length;
return result;
* Prepare child objects and renderers, a must have step before draw.
* @private
prepare: function()
* Set renderer to initialized state, clear childObjs and childRenderers.
* @private
reset: function()
//console.log('reset', this.getClassName());
* Whether the whole renderer (and its children) should be wholely repainted even in partial draw mode.
* Descendants may override this.
* @returns {Bool}
* @private
_needWholelyDraw: function(partialDrawObjs, context)
var selfObj = this.getChemObj();
return !partialDrawObjs || partialDrawObjs.indexOf(selfObj) >= 0;
/** @private */
doDraw: function($super, context, baseCoord, options)
this.setTargetChildObjs(null); // refresh child objects first
//console.log('draw', this.getClassName(), options.partialDrawObjs, baseCoord);
this.refreshChildObjs(); // refresh child objects first
this.prepareChildRenderers(); // refresh renderer list
var op = Object.create(options);
if (options.partialDrawObjs && this._needWholelyDraw(options.partialDrawObjs, context))
op.partialDrawObjs = null; // if self need to be draw, all child renderers should be repainted as well
//if (!this.hasChildRenderers())
if (!this.getTargetChildObjs().length)
return $super(context, baseCoord, op);
else // then draw each child objects by child renderers
//console.log('do draw self', this.getClassName());
var selfElem = this.doDrawSelf(context, baseCoord, op);
var group = this.doDrawChildren(context, baseCoord, op);
// self
if (selfElem)
this.addToDrawGroup(selfElem, group);
return group;
/** @private */
doDrawChildren: function(context, baseCoord, options)
var group = this.createDrawGroup(context);
var childRenderers = this.getChildRenderers();
var ops = Object.create(options);
this.getRenderCache(context).childDrawOptions = ops;
for (var i = 0, l = childRenderers.length; i < l; ++i)
var r = childRenderers[i];
var baseCoord = null;
var elem = r.draw(context, baseCoord, ops);
if (group && elem)
this.addToDrawGroup(elem, group);
//console.log('draw children', this.getClassName(), group, childRenderers.length, this.getTargetChildObjs());
return group;
/** @private */
doClear: function($super, context)
if (this.hasChildRenderers())
return true;
/** @private */
doClearChildren: function(context)
var childRenderers = this.getChildRendererMap().getValues();
for (var i = 0, l = childRenderers.length; i < l; ++i)
if (childRenderers[i])
/** @private */
doUpdate: function($super, context, updateObjDetails, updateType)
this.refreshChildObjs(); // refresh child objects first
// update self
$super(context, updateObjDetails, updateType);
//if (this.hasChildRenderers())
if (this.getTargetChildObjs().length)
//console.log('do update children of ', this.getClassName());
this.doUpdateChildren(context, updateObjDetails, updateType);
return true;
/** @private */
doUpdateChildren: function(context, updateObjDetails, updateType)
var updatedObjs = Kekule.Render.UpdateObjUtils._extractObjsOfUpdateObjDetails(updateObjDetails);
//console.log('update Objs', this.getClassName(), updatedObjs);
var directChildren = this.getTargetChildObjs() || [];
var childRendererMap = this.getChildRendererMap();
var objs = Kekule.ArrayUtils.toArray(updatedObjs);
var objsMap = new Kekule.MapEx(false);
var renderers = [];
var redrawRoot = false;
for (var i = 0, l = objs.length; i < l; ++i)
var obj = objs[i];
if (this.isChemObjRenderedDirectlyBySelf(context, obj)) // need redraw self
redrawRoot = true;
if (redrawRoot)
return true;
for (var i = 0, l = objs.length; i < l; ++i)
var obj = objs[i];
/* // TODO: now has bugs, disable it currently
if (this.isChemObjRenderedDirectlyBySelf(context, obj)) // the root object it self updated, need re-render self
//console.log('do redraw');
redrawRoot = true;
//return true;
var renderer = childRendererMap.get(obj);
if (renderer) // is direct child and has a corresponding renderer
// check update type, if updateType is remove, just remove the renderer
if (updateType === Kekule.Render.ObjectUpdateType.REMOVE)
Kekule.ArrayUtils.pushUnique(renderers, renderer);
olds = [obj];
objsMap.set(renderer, olds);
var rs = this._getRenderersForChildObj(context, obj);
if (!rs.length)
if (directChildren.indexOf(obj) >= 0) // still can not find
var r = this.getRendererForChild(obj, true);
var drawnResult = r.draw(context, null, this.getRenderCache(context).childDrawOptions);
if (drawnResult)
var drawnElem = this.getCachedDrawnElem(context);
if (drawnElem)
this.addToDrawGroup(drawnResult, drawnElem);
for (var j = 0, k = rs.length; j < k; ++j)
var renderer = rs[j];
var olds = objsMap.get(renderer);
if (!olds)
olds = [];
objsMap.set(renderer, olds);
// apply update in each renderer
var result = true;
for (var i = 0, l = renderers.length; i < l; ++i)
var renderer = renderers[i];
var o = objsMap.get(renderer);
var details = Kekule.Render.UpdateObjUtils._createUpdateObjDetailsFromObjs(o);
//console.log('child renderer update', renderer.getClassName(), details);
var r = renderer.update(context, details, updateType);
result = result && r;
return result;
/** @private */
_getRenderersForChildObj: function(context, childObj)
var result = [];
var childRenderers = this.getChildRenderers();
for (var i = 0, l = childRenderers.length; i < l; ++i)
var r = childRenderers[i];
if (r.isChemObjRenderedBySelf(context, childObj))
return result;
* 2D renderer factory.
* @class
Kekule.Render.Renderer2DFactory = Kekule.FactoryUtils.createSimpleFactory(Kekule.FactoryUtils.MATCH_BY_CLASS);
* Returns a suitable 2D renderer class for chemObj
* @param {Object} chemObj
* @returns {Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer}
* @function
Kekule.Render.get2DRendererClass = function(chemObj)
var aClass = (chemObj instanceof ObjectEx)? chemObj.getClass(): chemObj;
return Kekule.Render.Renderer2DFactory.getClass(aClass);
* 3D renderer factory.
* @class
Kekule.Render.Renderer3DFactory = Kekule.FactoryUtils.createSimpleFactory(Kekule.FactoryUtils.MATCH_BY_CLASS);
* Returns a suitable 3D renderer class for chemObj
* @param {Object} chemObj
* @returns {Kekule.Render.AbstractRenderer}
* @function
Kekule.Render.get3DRendererClass = function(chemObj)
var aClass = (chemObj instanceof ObjectEx)? chemObj.getClass(): chemObj;
return Kekule.Render.Renderer3DFactory.getClass(aClass);
* Implemtation of 2D/3D draw bridge manager.
* @class
* @ignore
Kekule.Render.DrawBridgeManager = Class.create({
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.DrawBridgeManager',
/** @ignore */
initialize: function()
this._items = [];
this._preferredItem = null;
/** @private */
_indexOfBridgeClass: function(bridgeClass)
for (var i = 0, l = this._items.length; i < l; ++i)
var item = this._items[i];
if (item.bridgeClass === bridgeClass)
return i;
return -1;
/** @private */
_sortItems: function()
function(item1, item2)
return (item1.priorityLevel || 0) - (item2.priorityLevel || 0);
/** @private */
_reselectPreferred: function()
for (var i = this._items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var item = this._items[i];
if (item.isSupported)
this._preferredItem = item;
return item;
this._preferredItem = null;
return null;
* Register a bridge.
* @param {Class} bridgeClass
* @param {Int} priorityLevel
* @returns {Object}
* @ignore
register: function(bridgeClass, priorityLevel)
if (!priorityLevel)
priorityLevel = 0;
var index = this._indexOfBridgeClass(bridgeClass);
var item;
if (index >= 0)
item = this._items[index];
item.priorityLevel = priorityLevel;
item = {'bridgeClass': bridgeClass, 'priorityLevel': priorityLevel};
item.isSupported = bridgeClass.isSupported? bridgeClass.isSupported(): false;
if ((!this._preferredItem) || (this._preferredItem.priorityLevel < priorityLevel))
if (item.isSupported) // if isSupported method not exists, assure it always not be supported
this._preferredItem = item;
return item;
* Unregister a bridge.
* @param {Class} bridgeClass
* @returns {Object}
* @ignore
unregister: function(bridgeClass)
var item = null;
var i = this._indexOfBridgeClass(bridgeClass);
if (i >= 0)
item = this._items[i];
this._items.splice(i, 1);
if (item === this._preferredItem)
return item;
* Gets most suitable bridge class in current environment.
* @returns {Class}
* @ignore
getPreferredBridgeClass: function()
return (this._preferredItem)? this._preferredItem.bridgeClass: null;
* Returns instance of preferred bridge in current environment.
* @returns {Object}
* @ignore
getPreferredBridgeInstance: function()
var c = this.getPreferredBridgeClass();
if (c)
if (!c.getInstance) // class has not been singletoned
return c.getInstance()
return new c();
return null;
* Draw bridge manager for 2D rendering.
* @object
Kekule.Render.DrawBridge2DMananger = new Kekule.Render.DrawBridgeManager();
* Draw bridge manager for 3D rendering.
* @object
Kekule.Render.DrawBridge3DMananger = new Kekule.Render.DrawBridgeManager();