new Abstract2DDrawBridge()
Different renderer should provide different methods to draw element on context.
Those different implementations are wrapped in draw bridge classes.
Concrete bridge classes do not need to deprived from this class, but they
do need to implement all those essential methods.
In all drawXXX methods, parameter options contains the style information to draw stroke or fill.
It may contain the following fields:
strokeWidth: Int, in pixel
strokeColor: String, '#rrggbb'
strokeDash: Bool, whether draw a dash line.
fillColor: String, '#rrggbb'
opacity: Float, 0-1
In all drawXXX methods, coord are based on context (not directly on screen).
addToGroup(elem, group)
Ad an drawn element to group.
Name Type Description elem
Object group
Object -
canModifyGraphic(context) → {Bool}
Indicate whether this bridge and context can change glyph content or position after drawing it. Raphael is a typical environment of this type while canvas should returns false.
Name Type Description context
Object Returns:
- Type
- Bool
Clear the whole context.
Name Type Description context
Object -
createContext(parentElem, width, height) → {Object}
Create a context element for drawing.
Name Type Description parentElem
Element //@param {Int} contextOffsetX X coord of top-left corner of context, in px. //@param {Int} contextOffsetY Y coord of top-left corner of context, in px. width
Int Width of context, in px. height
Int Height of context, in px. Returns:
Context used for drawing.- Type
- Object
createGroup(context) → {Object}
Create a nested structure on context.
Name Type Description context
Object Returns:
- Type
- Object
drawArc(context, centerCoord, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise, options) → {Object}
Draw an arc on context
Name Type Description context
Object centerCoord
Hash radius
Number startAngle
Number endAngle
Number anticlockwise
Bool options
Hash Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
drawCircle(context, baseCoord, radius, options) → {Object}
Draw a cirle on context.
Name Type Description context
Object baseCoord
Hash radius
Number options
Hash Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
drawImage(context, src, baseCoord, size, options, callback) → {Object}
Draw an image on context
Name Type Description context
Object src
String Src url of image. baseCoord
Hash size
Hash Target size ({x, y} of drawing image. options
Hash callback
function Since image may need to be loaded from src on net, this method may draw concrete image on context async. When the draw job is done or failed, callback(success) will be called. Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
drawImageElem(context, imgElem, baseCoord, size, options) → {Object}
Draw the content of an image element on context
Name Type Description context
Object imgElem
HTMLElement Source image element. baseCoord
Hash size
Hash Target size ({x, y} of drawing image. options
Hash Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
drawLine(context, coord1, coord2, options) → {Object}
Draw a line on context.
Name Type Description context
Object coord1
Hash coord2
Hash options
Hash Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
drawPath(context, path, options) → {Object}
Use SVG style path object to draw a path on context.
Name Type Description context
Object path
Object options
Hash Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
drawRect(context, coord1, coord2, options) → {Object}
Draw a rectangle on context.
Name Type Description context
Object coord1
Hash coord2
Hash options
Hash Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
drawRoundRect(context, coord1, coord2, cornerRadius, options) → {Object}
Draw a round corner rectangle on context.
Name Type Description context
Object coord1
Hash coord2
Hash cornerRadius
Number options
Hash Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
drawTriangle(context, coord1, coord2, coord3, options) → {Object}
Draw a triangle on context.
Name Type Description context
Object coord1
Hash coord2
Hash coord3
Hash options
Hash Returns:
Element drawn on context- Type
- Object
exportToDataUri(context, dataType, options) → {String}
Export drawing content to a data URL for
tag to use.
Name Type Description context
Object dataType
String Type of image data, e.g. 'image/png'. options
Hash Export options, usually this is a number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is image/jpeg or image/webp. Returns:
- Type
- String
getContextDimension(context) → {Hash}
Get width and height of context.
Name Type Description context
Object Returns:
{width, height}- Type
- Hash
Get context related element.
Name Type Description context
Object -
Destroy context created.
Name Type Description context
Object -
removeDrawnElem(context, elem)
Remove an element in context.
Name Type Description context
Object elem
Object -
removeFromGroup(elem, group)
Remove an element from group.
Name Type Description elem
Object group
Object -
setClearColor(context, color)
Set background color of content.
Name Type Description context
Object color
String Color in '#RRGGBB' mode. Null means transparent. -
setContextDimension(context, width, height)
Set new width and height of context.
Name Type Description context
Object width
Int height
Int -
setContextViewBox(context, x, y, w, h, changeDimension)
Set the view box of context. This method will also change context dimension to w/h if param changeDimension is not false.
Name Type Description context
Object x
Int Top left x coord. y
Int Top left y coord. w
Int Width. h
Int Height. changeDimension
Bool -
transformContextCoordToScreen(context, coord) → {Hash}
Transform a context based coord to screen based one (usually in pixel).
Name Type Description context
Object coord
Hash Returns:
- Type
- Hash
transformScreenCoordToContext(context, coord) → {Hash}
Transform a screen based coord to context based one.
Name Type Description context
Object coord
Hash Returns:
- Type
- Hash