new GraphAlgorithmUtils()
Util class to do common algorithms on graph.
- Source:
(static) analysisRings(graphOrGraphPart) → {Array}
Returns ring system details of graph or cycle block.
Name Type Description graphOrGraphPart
Variant A instance of Kekule.Graph or a graph cycle block ({vertexes, edsges}) found by Kekule.GraphAlgorithmUtils.findCycleBlocks. - Source:
An array, each items is a cycle block detail. Item containing a series of hash with fields: { vertexes: Array of all vertexes in cycle block. edges: Array of all edges in cycle block. sssrRings: Array, each item containing edges and vertexes in a SSSR member ring. }- Type
- Array
(static) createSpanningTrees(graph, traverseMode) → {Array}
Creating a depth first spanning tree (child graph) of graph.
Name Type Description graph
Kekule.Graph traverseMode
int Depth or breadth first. - Source:
Items are hashes that contains the follow fields: { vertexes: Array of all found vertexes. edges: Array of all found edges. } which indicate a spanning tree in graph. As the graph may not be connected, so several spanning trees may exists.- Type
- Array
(static) findAllRings(graphOrGraphPart) → {Array}
Returns all rings in a graph.
Name Type Description graphOrGraphPart
Variant A instance of Kekule.Graph or a graph cycle part ({vertexes, edsges}) found by Kekule.GraphAlgorithmUtils.findCycleBlocks. - Source:
An array containing a series of hash with fields: { vertexes: Array of all found vertexes. edges: Array of all found edges. } Each array item marks a ring.- Type
- Array
(static) findBridgeChains(graph) → {Hash}
Returns all vertexes and edges in bridge chain of a graph. Note: this function must be called after (@link Kekule.GraphAlgorithmUtils.removeEndChains}.
Name Type Description graph
Kekule.Graph - Source:
A hash that contains the follow fields: { vertexes: Array of all found vertexes. edges: Array of all found edges. }- Type
- Hash
(static) findCycleBlocks(graph) → {Array}
Returns all vertexes and edges in cylce block.
Name Type Description graph
Kekule.Graph - Source:
An array containing a series of hash with fields: { vertexes: Array of all found vertexes. edges: Array of all found edges. } Each array item marks a cycle block.- Type
- Array
(static) findEndChains(graph) → {Hash}
Returns all vertexes and edges in end chain of a graph.
Name Type Description graph
Kekule.Graph - Source:
A hash that contains the follow fields: { vertexes: Array of all found vertexes. edges: Array of all found edges. }- Type
- Hash
(static) findSSSR(graphOrGraphPart, allRings) → {Array}
Returns Smallest set of smallest rings of graph or cycle part.
Name Type Description graphOrGraphPart
Variant A instance of Kekule.Graph or a graph cycle part ({vertexes, edsges}) found by Kekule.GraphAlgorithmUtils.findCycleBlocks. allRings
Array All rings of cycle block, input this param can reduce the calculation time. Note: this param will only be used when the previous param is a graph part. - Source:
An array containing a series of hash with fields: { vertexes: Array of all found vertexes. edges: Array of all found edges. } Each array item marks a SSSR ring.- Type
- Array
(static) removeBridgeChains(graph) → {Hash}
Removes all vertexes and edges in bridge chain of a graph. Note: this function must be called after (@link Kekule.GraphAlgorithmUtils.removeEndChains}.
Name Type Description graph
Kekule.Graph - Source:
A hash that contains the follow fields: { vertexes: Array of all removed vertexes. edges: Array of all removed edges. }- Type
- Hash
(static) removeEndChains(graph) → {Hash}
Removes all side end chains from graph.
Name Type Description graph
Kekule.Graph - Source:
A hash that contains the follow fields: { vertexes: Array of all removed vertexes. edges: Array of all removed edges. } which stores vertexes and edges been removed.- Type
- Hash