Source: widgets/kekule.widget.autoLaunchers.js

 * @fileoverview
 * Utils and classes to identify and load Kekule Widget in HTML tag when a page is loaded.
 * Generally, the auto launcher will iterate through elements in document. If an element is
 * with a data-widget attribute, it will be regarded as a Kekule related one. Then a
 * specified Kekule widget will be created (according to data-widget attribute) on this tag.
 * Widget property will also be set from "data-XXX" attribute.
 * @author Partridge Jiang

 * requires /lan/classes.js
 * requires /core/kekule.common.js
 * requires /utils/kekule.utils.js
 * requires /xbrowsers/kekule.x.js
 * requires /widgets/kekule.widget.base.js


var DU = Kekule.DomUtils;
var AU = Kekule.ArrayUtils;

 * Helper class to create and bind Kekule widgets while loading HTML page.
 * Generally, the auto launcher will iterate through elements in document. If an element is
 * with a data-widget attribute, it will be regarded as a Kekule related one. Then a
 * specified Kekule widget will be created (according to data-widget attribute) on this tag.
 * Widget property will also be set from "data-XXX" attribute.
 * @class
Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher = Class.create(ObjectEx,
/** @lends Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher# */
	/** @private */
	CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher',
	/** @private */
	WIDGET_ATTRIB: 'data-widget',
	/** @private */
	WIDGET_ATTRIB_ALT: 'data-kekule-widget',
	/** @private */
	PLACEHOLDER_ATTRIB: 'data-placeholder',
	/** @private */
	FIELD_PARENT_WIDGET_ELEM: '__$kekule_parent_widget_elem$__',
	/** @constructs */
	initialize: function($super)
		this._executingFlag = 0;  // private
		this._pendingWidgetRefMap = new Kekule.MapEx(true);  // non-weak, to get all keys
		this._pendingElems = [];  // elements that need to be launched
		this._handlingPendings = false;  // private flag

		this._execOnPendingBind = this._execOnPending.bind(this);

		var self = this;
		// delegate Kekule.Widget.Util method for auto launch purpose
		/** @ignore */
		Kekule.Widget.Utils._setWidgetRefPropFromId = function(widget, propName, id)
			if (id)
				var refWidget = Kekule.Widget.getWidgetById(id, widget.getDocument());
				if (refWidget)
					widget.setPropValue(propName, refWidget);
				else  // in auto launch mode, perhaps the corresponding widget has not been created
					var elem = widget.getDocument().getElementById(id);
					if (elem && self.isExecuting())  // has the corresponding element, just save it and try to set widget again after auto launch
						self.addPendingWidgetRefItem(elem, widget, propName);
	/** @private */
	finalize: function($super)
		this._pendingElems = null;
		this._pendingWidgetRefMap = null;

	// Methods about lanuchingElems
	/** @private */
	getPendingElems: function()
		return this._pendingElems;
	/** @private */
	addPendingElem: function(doc, elem, parent, widgetClass, execOnChildren)
		//console.log('pending', elem, parent);
		this._pendingElems.push({'doc': doc, 'elem': elem, 'parent': parent, 'widgetClass': widgetClass, 'execOnChildren': execOnChildren});
	/** @private */
	handlePendingElems: function(callback)
		if (!this._handlingPendings)  // avoid duplicated call
			this._handlingPendings = true;
			if (callback)
				var elemItems = this._pendingElems;
				elemItems.push({'callback': callback});   // set callback to tail element item
			setTimeout(this._execOnPendingBind, 0);
	/** @private */
	_execOnPending: function()
		var currItem = this._pendingElems.shift();  // handle the first one
		if (!currItem)  // sequence is empty
			this._handlingPendings = false;
		else  // do actual create
				if (currItem.elem)    // normal element lauch item
					this.createWidgetOnElem(currItem.doc, currItem.elem, currItem.parent);
				else if (currItem.callback)  // special callback item
					setTimeout(currItem.callback, 0);
				setTimeout(this._execOnPendingBind, 0);

	// Methods about pendingWidgetRefMap
	/** @private */
	getPendingWidgetRefMap: function()
		return this._pendingWidgetRefMap;
	/** @private */
	addPendingWidgetRefItem: function(refElem, widget, propName)
		this._pendingWidgetRefMap.set(refElem, {'widget': widget, 'propName': propName});
	/** @private */
	removePendingWidgetRefItem: function(refElem)
	/** @private */
	handlePendingWidgetRef: function()
		var pendingElems = this._pendingWidgetRefMap.getKeys();
		for (var i = 0, l = pendingElems.length; i < l; ++i)
			var elem = pendingElems[i];
			var refWidget = Kekule.Widget.getWidgetOnElem(elem);
			if (refWidget)
				var setting = this._pendingWidgetRefMap.get(elem);
				setting.widget.setPropValue(setting.propName, refWidget);
	/** @private */
	beginExec: function()
		//this._startTime =;
	/** @private */
	endExec: function()
		if (this._executingFlag > 0)
		if (this._executingFlag <= 0)  // finally execution done
		this._endTime =;
		console.log('elapse', this._endTime - this._startTime);
	/** @private */
	isExecuting: function()
		return this._executingFlag > 0;

	 * Launch all widgets inside element.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} rootElem
	 * @param {Bool} deferCreation
	 * @param {Func} callback A callback function that will be called when the task is done (since deferCreation may be true).
	execute: function(rootElem, deferCreation, callback)
		var deferring = Kekule.ObjUtils.notUnset(deferCreation)? deferCreation: Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.deferring;
		if (!deferring)
		//var _tStart =;
			if (typeof(rootElem.querySelector) === 'function')  // support querySelector func, use fast approach
				this.executeOnElemBySelector(rootElem.ownerDocument, rootElem, null, deferring);
				this.executeOnElem(rootElem.ownerDocument, rootElem, null, deferring);

			if (deferring)
			if (!deferring)
				if (callback)
		//var _tEnd =;
		//console.log('Launch in ', _tEnd - _tStart, 'ms');
	 * Execute launch process on element and its children. Widget created will be set as child of parentWidget.
	 * This method will use traditional element iterate method for heritage browsers that do not support querySelector.
	 * @param {HTMLDocument} doc
	 * @param {HTMLElement} elem
	 * @param {Variant} parentWidgetOrElem Can be null.
	 * @private
	executeOnElem: function(doc, elem, parentWidgetOrElem, deferring)
		if (elem.isContentEditable && !Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableOnEditable)
		if (!this.isElemLaunchable(elem))

		// if elem already binded with a widget, do nothing
		if (Kekule.Widget.getWidgetOnElem(elem))
		// check if elem has widget specified attribute.
		var widgetName = elem.getAttribute(this.WIDGET_ATTRIB);
		if (!widgetName)
			widgetName = elem.getAttribute(this.WIDGET_ATTRIB_ALT);
		if (widgetName)  // may be a widget
			var widgetClass = this.getWidgetClass(widgetName);
			if (widgetClass)
				widget = this.createWidgetOnElem(doc, elem, widgetClass);
				if (widget)  // create successful
					if (parentWidget)
					currParent = widget;
		var widget = null;
		var widgetClass = this.getElemWidgetClass(elem);
		var currParent = parentWidgetOrElem;
		if (deferring)  // deferring creation on element
			if (widgetClass)
				this.addPendingElem(doc, elem, parentWidgetOrElem, widgetClass, false/*Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableCascadeLaunch*/);
				currParent = elem;
		else  // create directly on element
			var parentWidget = parentWidgetOrElem;
			if (parentWidget && !(parentWidget instanceof Kekule.Widget.BaseWidget))  // is element
				parentWidget = Kekule.Widget.getWidgetOnElem(parentWidgetOrElem);

			 widget = this.createWidgetOnElem(doc, elem, parentWidget, widgetClass);
			if (widget)
				currParent = widget;
				currParent = elem;
			var shouldCascade = (deferring && !widgetClass) || (!deferring && !widget) || Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableCascadeLaunch;
			//if (!widget || Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableCascadeLaunch)
			if (shouldCascade)
				// check child elements further
				var children = DU.getDirectChildElems(elem);
				for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; ++i)
					var child = children[i];
					this.executeOnElem(doc, child, currParent, deferring);
	 * Execute launch process on element and its children. Widget created will be set as child of parentWidget.
	 * This method will use querySelector method to perform a fast launch on supported browser.
	 * @param {HTMLDocument} doc
	 * @param {HTMLElement} rootElem
	 * @param {Kekule.Widget.BaseWidget} parentWidget Can be null.
	executeOnElemBySelector: function(doc, rootElem, parentWidget, deferring)
		//console.log('Using selector');
		var selector = '[' + this.WIDGET_ATTRIB + '],[' + this.WIDGET_ATTRIB_ALT + ']';
		//var selector = '[' + this.WIDGET_ATTRIB + ']';
		var allElems = rootElem.querySelectorAll(selector);

		var rootWidgetClass = this.getElemWidgetClass(rootElem);  // if root element is a widget, shift it into allElems
		if (rootWidgetClass)
			allElems =;

		if (allElems && allElems.length)
			// turn node list to array
			if (Array.from)
				allElems = Array.from(allElems);
				var temp = [];
				for (var i = 0, l = allElems.length; i < l; ++i)
				allElems = temp;
			//console.log(allElems, typeof(allElems));
			// build tree relation of all those elements
			for (var i = 0, l = allElems.length; i < l; ++i)
				var elem = allElems[i];
				//var candidateParentElems = allElems.slice(0, i - 1);
				// only leading elems can be parent of curr one
				var parentElem = this._findParentCandidateElem(elem, allElems, 0, i - 1);
				if (parentElem)
					elem[this.FIELD_PARENT_WIDGET_ELEM] = parentElem;
					//console.log('Parent relation', + '/' + elem.getAttribute('data-widget'), + '/' + parentElem.getAttribute('data-widget'));
			// then create corresponding widgets
			for (var i = 0, l = allElems.length; i < l; ++i)
				var elem = allElems[i];

				if (elem.isContentEditable && !Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableOnEditable)
				if (!this.isElemLaunchable(elem))

				var parentWidgetElem = elem[this.FIELD_PARENT_WIDGET_ELEM] || null;
				// create widget only on top level elem when enableCascadeLaunch is false
				if (Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableCascadeLaunch || !parentWidgetElem)
					var pWidget = null;
					if (parentWidgetElem)
						// we can be sure that the parentWidgetElem is before this one in array
						// and the widget on it has already been created
						var pWidget = Kekule.Widget.getWidgetOnElem(parentWidgetElem);
					this.createWidgetOnElem(doc, elem, pWidget);
					if (deferring)  // deferring
						this.addPendingElem(doc, elem, parentWidgetElem, null, false);
					else  // create directly
						this.createWidgetOnElem(doc, elem, parentWidgetElem);
	/** @private */
	_findParentCandidateElem: function(elem, candidateElems, fromIndex, toIndex)
	  var result= null;
		var parent = elem.parentNode;
		while (parent && !result)
			for (var i = toIndex; i >= fromIndex; --i)
				if (parent === candidateElems[i])
					result = candidateElems[i];
					return result;
			if (!result)
				parent = parent.parentNode;
		return result;
	 * Create new widget on an element.
	 * @param {HTMLDocument} doc
	 * @param {HTMLElement} elem
	 * @param {Class} widgetClass
	 * @returns {Kekule.Widget.BaseWidget}
	 * @private
	createWidgetOnElem: function(doc, elem, parentWidgetOrElem, widgetClass)
		var result = null;
		// if elem already binded with a widget, do nothing
		var old = Kekule.Widget.getWidgetOnElem(elem);
		if (old)
			return old;
		//console.log('Create widget on elem', elem, parentWidgetOrElem && parentWidgetOrElem.getElement());

		if (!widgetClass)
			widgetClass = this.getElemWidgetClass(elem);
		if (widgetClass)
			var AL = Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher;

			// check if using place holder
			var usingPlaceHolder = false;
			if (AL.placeHolderStrategy !== AL.PlaceHolderStrategies.DISABLED)
				var attrPlaceholder = elem.getAttribute(this.PLACEHOLDER_ATTRIB) || '';
				usingPlaceHolder = ((AL.placeHolderStrategy === AL.PlaceHolderStrategies.EXPLICIT) && Kekule.StrUtils.strToBool(attrPlaceholder))
					|| (AL.placeHolderStrategy === AL.PlaceHolderStrategies.IMPLICIT);
				usingPlaceHolder = usingPlaceHolder && ClassEx.getPrototype(widgetClass).canUsePlaceHolderOnElem(elem);
			//usingPlaceHolder = true;
			if (usingPlaceHolder)
				result = new Kekule.Widget.PlaceHolder(elem, widgetClass);
				result = new widgetClass(elem);
			if (result)  // create successful
				var parentWidget = parentWidgetOrElem;
				if (parentWidget && !(parentWidget instanceof Kekule.Widget.BaseWidget))  // is element
					parentWidget = Kekule.Widget.getWidgetOnElem(parentWidgetOrElem);

				if (parentWidget)

		return result;

	 * Return whether the element should be launched as a widget.
	 * @param {HTMLElement} elem
	 * @returns {Bool}
	isElemLaunchable: function(elem)
		if (elem.isContentEditable && !Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableOnEditable)
			return false;
			return true;
	/** @private */
	getElemWidgetClass: function(elem)
		var result = null;
		// check if elem has widget specified attribute.
		var widgetName = elem.getAttribute(this.WIDGET_ATTRIB);
		if (!widgetName)
			widgetName = elem.getAttribute(this.WIDGET_ATTRIB_ALT);
		if (widgetName)  // may be a widget
			result = this.getWidgetClass(widgetName);
		return result;

	/** @private */
	getWidgetClass: function(widgetName)
		// TODO: here we simply create class from widget class name
		return ClassEx.findClass(widgetName);
Kekule.Widget.autoLauncher = Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.getInstance();

 * PlaceHolder creation strategy for autolauncher
 * @enum
Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.PlaceHolderStrategies = {
	/** PlaceHolder will be totally disabled. */
	DISABLED: 'disabled',
	/** Placeholder will be created when possible. */
	IMPLICIT: 'implicit',
	/** Placeholder will only be created when attribute placeholder is explicitly set to true in element. */
	EXPLICIT: 'explicit'

/** A flag to turn on or off auto launcher. */
Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enabled = true;
/** A flag to enable or disable launching child widgets inside a widget element. */
Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableCascadeLaunch = true;
/** A flag to enable or disable checking dynamic inserted content in HTML page. */
Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableDynamicDomCheck = true;
/** A flag to enable or disable launching widgets on element in HTML editor (usually should not). */
Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableOnEditable = false;
/** If true, Placeholder maybe created during auto launching. */
Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.placeHolderStrategy = Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.PlaceHolderStrategies.EXPLICIT;
/** If true, the launch process on each element will be deferred, try not to block the UI. */
Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.deferring = false;

 * A helper class to notify widget system is ready.
 * @class
Kekule.Widget.WidgetsReady = {
	isReady: false,
	funcs: [],
	ready: function(fn)
		if (WR.isReady)
	fireReady: function()
		if (WR.isReady)
		WR.isReady = true;
		var funcs = WR.funcs;
		while (funcs.length)
			var fn = funcs.shift();
var WR = Kekule.Widget.WidgetsReady;
 * Invoked when widget system is constructed.
 * @param {Func} fn Callback function.
 * @function
Kekule.Widget.ready = WR.ready;

var _doAutoLaunch = function()
	//console.log('do autolaunch', _doAutoLaunch.done, Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enabled);
	if (_doAutoLaunch.done)

	if (!Kekule._isLoaded())  // the whole library is not completely loaded yet, may be some widget class unavailable, waiting

	// if deferring launch, must intercept the DOM ready handlers, ensures they are called after widgets created (for compatibility)
	var resumeDomReady = Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.deferring? function()
	}: null;
	var done = function()
			if (resumeDomReady)

	if (Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enabled)
		//console.log('do autolaunch on body', document.body);
		if (Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.deferring)
		Kekule.Widget.autoLauncher.execute(document.body, null, done);
	// add dynamic node inserting observer
	if (Kekule.X.MutationObserver)
		var observer = new Kekule.X.MutationObserver(
				if (Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableDynamicDomCheck && Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enabled)
					for (var i = 0, l = mutations.length; i < l; ++i)
						var m = mutations[i];
						if (m.type === 'childList')  // dom tree changes
							var addedNodes = m.addedNodes;
							for (var j = 0, k = addedNodes.length; j < k; ++j)
								var node = addedNodes[j];
								if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
		observer.observe(document.body, {
			childList: true,
			subtree: true
	else // traditional DOM event method
		Kekule.X.Event.addListener(document, 'DOMNodeInserted',
				if (Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enableDynamicDomCheck && Kekule.Widget.AutoLauncher.enabled)
					var target = e.getTarget();
					if (target.nodeType === (Node.ELEMENT_NODE || 1))  // is element
	_doAutoLaunch.done = true;


if ($jsRoot && $jsRoot.addEventListener && $jsRoot.postMessage)
	// response to special message, force autolaunch widget.
	// This is usually requested by browser addon.
	$jsRoot.addEventListener('message', function(event)
		console.log('receive message', event, event.source == $jsRoot);
		if ( && === 'kekule-widget-force-autolaunch' && event.source == $jsRoot)
			console.log('force autolaunch');
	}, false);
