* @fileoverview
* Classes and functions related with native services (e.g., file picker dialog).
* @author Partridge Jiang
* requires /lan/classes.js
* requires /core/kekule.common.js
* requires /widget/kekule.widget.base.js
* requires /xbrowsers/kekule.x.js
"use strict";
* The class to call native services (e.g., open file picker dialog).
* @object
Kekule.NativeServices = {
* Mode const to launch a open file dialog.
* @const
MODE_OPEN: 'open',
* Mode const to launch a save file dialog.
* @const
MODE_SAVE: 'save',
* A special file filter that list all file extension set.
* @const
* A special file filter that list any type of file.
* @const
FILTER_ANY: 'any',
* Open a file picker dialog.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc Current document.
* @param {Func} callback Callback function when dialog is closed, with params (result, file, files).
* If the dialog closed with "OK" button, result should be true and selected file instance(s) will
* be filled in file and files object.
* @param {Hash} options Additional options hash, can include:
* {
* mode: String, dialog mode, default is 'open'.
* initialFileName: String,
* filters: Array of filters of dialog, each item is a hash {title, filter},
* e.g. {title: 'Mol2000 file', filter: '.mol'}.
* filter file extension can be a string delimitered by ',', e.g., '.mol,.rd'
* multiple: Bool, whether multi select is allowed.
* }
showFilePickerDialog: function(doc, callback, options)
if (Kekule.NativeServices.doShowFilePickerDialog)
return Kekule.NativeServices.doShowFilePickerDialog(doc, callback, options);
* Returns whether current service can load data from file.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc
* @returns {Bool}
canLoadFileData: function(doc)
return !!KNS.doLoadFileData || !!KNS.doShowFilePickerDialog;
* Show an open file dialog and load data from a file.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc Current document.
* @param {Func} callback Callback function when dialog is closed, with param (result, data, fileName).
* If the dialog closed with "Cancel" button, result will be false and data/fileName will be null.
* @param {Hash} options Additional options hash, can include:
* {
* initialFileName: String,
* filters: Array of filters of dialog, each item is a hash {title, filter},
* e.g. {title: 'Mol2000 file', filter: '*.mol'}.
* binaryDetector: Func(fileName, file)=>Bool, a function to detect whether current file is in binary mode.
* If this function is not provided, the file will always be read in text mode.
* }
loadFileData: function(doc, callback, options)
if (Kekule.NativeServices.doLoadFileData)
return Kekule.NativeServices.doLoadFileData(doc, callback, options);
// else a default implementation using FileReader
var ops = Object.create(options || {});
ops.multiple = false;
ops.mode = KNS.MODE_OPEN;
var done = function(result, file, files)
if (!result || !file) // dialog cancelled
callback(result, null, null);
else // file selected
if (Kekule.BrowserFeature.fileapi)
var fileName = file.name;
var isBinary = ops.binaryDetector && ops.binaryDetector(fileName, file);
// try open it the file by FileReader
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e)
var content = reader.result;
var info = chemObj.getSrcInfo();
info.fileName = fileName;
var success = !!chemObj;
//console.log('load success', fileName, content);
if (callback)
callback(true, content, fileName);
reader.onerror = function()
if (callback)
Kekule.error(Kekule.$L('ErrorMsg.ERROR_LOADING_FILE' + fileName));
if (isBinary)
// open file picker
KNS.showFilePickerDialog(doc, done, ops);
* Returns whether current service can save data to file.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc
* @returns {Bool}
canSaveFileData: function(doc)
return !!KNS.doSaveFileData;
* Show an save file dialog and save data to a file.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc Current document.
* @param {Variant} data to be saved
* @param {Func} callback Callback function when dialog is closed, with param (result, fileName).
* If the dialog closed with "Cancel" button, result will be false and fileName will be null.
* @param {Hash} options Additional options hash, can include:
* {
* initialFileName: String,
* filters: Array of filters of dialog, each item is a hash {title, filter},
* e.g. {title: 'Mol2000 file', filter: '*.mol'}.
* binary: Bool, whether the data is in binary format. Default is false.
* }
saveFileData: function(doc, data, callback, options)
if (Kekule.NativeServices.doSaveFileData)
return Kekule.NativeServices.doSaveFileData(doc, data, callback, options);
var KNS = Kekule.NativeServices;
* Default implementation of some native services functions based on HTML.
* @object
* @ignore
Kekule.HtmlNativeServiceImpl = {
/** @ignore */
doShowFilePickerDialog: function(doc, callback, options)
//console.log('showFilePickerDialog', options);
var elem = Kekule.HtmlNativeServiceImpl._createFileInputElem(doc, callback, options || {});
/** @private */
_createFileInputElem: function(doc, callback, options)
var result = doc.createElement('input');
result.setAttribute('type', 'file');
var ops = options || {};
if (ops.multiple)
result.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple');
if (ops.filters)
var filterValues = [];
for (var i = 0, l = ops.filters.length; i < l; ++i)
var filterItem = ops.filters[i];
if (filterItem === Kekule.NativeServices.FILTER_ALL_SUPPORT
|| filterItem === Kekule.NativeServices.FILTER_ANY) // these special filters need not to be handled in HTML
var sfilter = filterItem.filter;
if (sfilter)
var sAllFilter = filterValues.join(',');
result.setAttribute('accept', sAllFilter);
// IMPORTANT: some browser need this input file element visible to raise the open dialog
// so we append it to document and "hidden" it
var style = result.style;
style.position = 'absolute';
style.left = '-100000px';
style.opacity = 0;
//result.onchange = this.reactInputChangeBind;
var reactChange = function(e)
var target = e.getTarget();
var files = target.files;
var firstFile = files && files[0];
//console.log('file input change', target.files);
if (callback)
callback(true, firstFile, files);
// dismiss input element
Kekule.X.Event.removeListener(target, 'change', reactChange);
if (target.parentNode)
Kekule.X.Event.addListener(result, 'change', reactChange/*this.reactInputChangeBind*/);
return result;
/** @ignore */
doSaveFileData: function(doc, data, callback, options)
var fileName = options.initialFileName || null;
//if (Kekule.BrowserFeature.downloadHref)
var dataElem = Kekule.HtmlNativeServiceImpl._createDataElem(doc, data, fileName);
dataElem.click(); // save file dialog
else // IE, use execCommand to save
Kekule.HtmlNativeServiceImpl.doSaveFileDataIe(doc, data, fileName);
if (callback)
callback(null, null); // can not determine the final file name and result.
/** @private */
_createDataElem: function(doc, data, fileName)
var elem = doc.createElement('a');
var sHref= 'data:application/octet-stream,' + encodeURIComponent(data);
elem.setAttribute('href', sHref);
elem.setAttribute('download', fileName || '');
//elem.innerHTML = 'dasdsdsadasds';
var style = elem.style;
elem.position = 'absolute';
elem.left = '-100000px';
elem.opacity = 0;
return elem;
doSaveFileDataIe: function(doc, data, callback, options)
var fileName = options.initialFileName || null;
//console.log('save ie');
if (Kekule.BrowserFeature.blob && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) // IE 10 and above, use blob to save
var blobObject = new Blob([data]);
window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blobObject, fileName);
// data must be string
var iframeElem = Kekule.HtmlNativeServiceImpl._createAndExecDataIframe(doc, data, fileName);
// after save remove iframe
if (callback)
callback(null, null); // can not determine the final file name and result.
/** @private */
_createAndExecDataIframe: function(doc, data, fileName)
//console.log('iframe save');
var result = doc.createElement('iframe');
//result.style.display = 'none';
var iframe = result.contentWindow || result.contentDocument;
iframe.document.open("text/html", "replace");
var s = data.toString();
iframe.document.execCommand('SaveAs', true, Kekule.UrlUtils.extractFileCoreName(fileName)); // extension IE don't know will supress the save dialog
//iframe.document.execCommand('SaveAs', true, fileName);
return result;
// register
if (Kekule.BrowserFeature.fileapi)
KNS.doShowFilePickerDialog = Kekule.HtmlNativeServiceImpl.doShowFilePickerDialog;
if (Kekule.Browser.IE || window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob)
KNS.doSaveFileData = Kekule.HtmlNativeServiceImpl.doSaveFileDataIe;
else if (Kekule.BrowserFeature.downloadHref)
KNS.doSaveFileData = Kekule.HtmlNativeServiceImpl.doSaveFileData;