Class: TextFontConfigs

Kekule.Render. TextFontConfigs

new TextFontConfigs()

Text draw and font options.
Name Type Description
labelFontFamily String Default font family to draw labels and "+" in reaction.
labelFontFamily String Default font family to draw atoms and other chem nodes.
supFontSizeRatio Float Font size ratio for superscript.
subFontSizeRatio Float Font size ratio for subscript.
superscriptOverhang Float Percentage a superscript should rise from top text top edge.
subscriptOversink Float Percentage a subscript should fall below the text bottom edge.
textCharDirection Int Default direction of a line of characters, default value is LTR (left to right). //@property {Int} textLineDirection Default direction of a set of text lines, default value is TTB (top to bottom).
textHorizontalAlign Int Default horizontal align of text, default value is LEADING.
textHorizontalAlign Int Default vertical align of text, default value is LEADING.
textBoxXAlignment Int Default horizontal alignment of text box to a coordinate.
textBoxYAlignment Int Default vertical alignment of text box to a coordinate.
textBoxAlignmentMode Int Default text box alignment mode.


  • Kekule.AbstractConfigs