* @fileoverview
* Changable global configurations for renderers.
* @author Partridge Jiang
* requires /lan/classes.js
* requires /core/kekule.common.js
* requires /core/kekule.configs.js
* requires /utils/kekule.utils.js
* requires /render/kekule.render.base.js
* requires /localization
"use strict";
var OT = Kekule.OBJDEF_TEXTS;
var PS = Class.PropertyScope;
* A set of predefined configs for rendering.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.ConfigPresetMap
Kekule.Render.PredefinedConfigsMap = Class.create(Kekule.ConfigPresetMap,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.PredefinedConfigsMap# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.PredefinedConfigsMap'
* General configs that can be used both in 2D and 3D renderers.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Bool} allowCoordBorrow Whether 3D coord can be used to draw the object when 2D coord is unavailable or vice versa.
* @property {Float} drawOpacity
Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addBoolConfigProp('allowCoordBorrow', true, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addFloatConfigProp('drawOpacity', 1, {'title': OT.TITLE_DRAWOPACITY, 'description': OT.DES_DRAWOPACITY});
* Config class of 2D render.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs} generalDisplayConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayConfigs} moleculeDisplayConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.DisplayLabelConfigs} displayLabelConfigs Configs to determine which text is used to display certain labels.
* @property {Kekule.Render.TextFontConfigs} textFontConfigs Font configs to display text.
* @property {Kekule.Render.LengthConfigs} lengthConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.ColorConfigs} colorConfigs
Kekule.Render.Render2DConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.Render2DConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.Render2DConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addConfigProp('generalConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('moleculeDisplayConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('displayLabelConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.DisplayLabelConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('textFontConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.TextFontConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('lengthConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.LengthConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('colorConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.ColorConfigs');
//this.addConfigProp('interactStyleMap', 'Kekule.Render.PredefinedConfigsMap');
/** @private */
initPropValues: function($super)
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('generalConfigs', new Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('moleculeDisplayConfigs', new Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('displayLabelConfigs', new Kekule.Render.DisplayLabelConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('textFontConfigs', new Kekule.Render.TextFontConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('lengthConfigs', new Kekule.Render.LengthConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('colorConfigs', new Kekule.Render.ColorConfigs());
//this.setPropStoreFieldValue('interactStyleMap', new Kekule.Render.PredefinedConfigsMap());
/** @private */
initInteractStyleMap: function()
* Get a singleton instance of {@link Kekule.Render.Render2DConfigs}.
* @function
* @returns {Kekule.Render.RenderConfigs}
Kekule.Render.getRender2DConfigs = function()
return Kekule.Render.Render2DConfigs.getInstance();
* Options to display a molecule structure.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Int} defMoleculeDisplayType Value from {@link Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayType}.
* @property {Int} defNodeDisplayMode Value from {@link Kekule.Render.NodeLabelDisplayMode}.
* @property {Int} defHydrogenDisplayLevel Value from {@link Kekule.Render.HydrogenDisplayLevel}.
* @property {Int} defChargeMarkType Value from {@link Kekule.Render.ChargeMarkRenderType}.
* @property {Int} partialChargeDecimalsLength Show how many decimal places of partial charge.
* @property {Bool} distinguishSingletAndTripletRadical Use different mark to distinguish singlet(..) and triplet(^^) radical.
* @property {Bool} autoCreateChargeAndRadicalMarker If true, charge or radical attached markers will be created automatically.
* Note: This setting will take effect only if the canModifyTargetObj property of renderer is set to true.
Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addIntConfigProp('defMoleculeDisplayType', Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayType.SKELETAL, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.MoleculeDisplayType});
this.addIntConfigProp('defNodeDisplayMode', Kekule.Render.NodeLabelDisplayMode.SMART, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.NodeLabelDisplayMode});
this.addIntConfigProp('defHydrogenDisplayLevel', Kekule.Render.HydrogenDisplayLevel.EXPLICIT, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.HydrogenDisplayLevel});
this.addIntConfigProp('defChargeMarkType', Kekule.Render.ChargeMarkRenderType.DEFAULT, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.ChargeMarkRenderType});
this.addBoolConfigProp('distinguishSingletAndTripletRadical', false);
this.addIntConfigProp('partialChargeDecimalsLength', 2);
this.addBoolConfigProp('autoCreateChargeAndRadicalMarker', true);
* Display label options.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {String} unsetElement Label for unset element.
* @property {String} dummyAtom Label for dummy atom.
* @property {String} heteroAtom Label for hetero atom (non C/H atom).
* @property {String} anyAtom Label for unspecified atom.
* @property {String} rgroup Label for Rgroup.
* @property {String} isoListLeadingBracket Label for isotope list atom start bracket.
* @property {String} isoListTailingBracket Label for isotope list atom end bracket.
* @property {String} isoListDelimiter Label for isotope list atom isotope delimiter.
* @property {String} isoListDisallowPrefix In a disallow list, a disallow prefix is used.
Kekule.Render.DisplayLabelConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.DisplayLabelConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.DisplayLabelConfigs',
// default values
/** Default label for unset element. */
// for Pseudoatom
/** Default label for dummy atom. */
/** Default label for Non C/H atom. */
/** Default label for Unspecific atom */
// for VariableAtom
/** Default label for group */
// for VariableAtom
/** Display isotope list in bracket, such as [H, 13C, O, P]. */
/** Display isotope list in bracket, such as [H, 13C, O, P]. */
/** Default delimiter for each isotope in list */
/** Default prefix to indicate it is a disallow list. */
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
var NL = Kekule.ChemStructureNodeLabels;
this.addBoolConfigProp('enableIsotopeAlias', NL.ENABLE_ISOTOPE_ALIAS, {
'getter': function() { return NL.ENABLE_ISOTOPE_ALIAS; },
'setter': function(value) { NL.ENABLE_ISOTOPE_ALIAS = value; }
this.addStrConfigProp('unsetElement', NL.UNSET_ELEMENT, {
'getter': function() { return NL.UNSET_ELEMENT; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.UNSET_ELEMENT = value; }
// for Pseudoatom
this.addStrConfigProp('dummyAtom', NL.DUMMY_ATOM, {
'getter': function() { return NL.DUMMY_ATOM; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.DUMMY_ATOM = value; }
this.addStrConfigProp('heteroAtom', NL.HETERO_ATOM, {
'getter': function() { return NL.HETERO_ATOM; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.HETERO_ATOM = value; }
this.addStrConfigProp('anyAtom', NL.ANY_ATOM, {
'getter': function() { return NL.ANY_ATOM; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.ANY_ATOM = value; }
// for VariableAtom
this.addStrConfigProp('variableAtom', NL.VARIABLE_ATOM, {
'getter': function() { return NL.VARIABLE_ATOM; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.VARIABLE_ATOM = value; }
// for RGroup
this.addStrConfigProp('rgroup', NL.SUBGROUP, {
'getter': function() { return NL.SUBGROUP; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.SUBGROUP = value; }
// for VariableAtom
this.addStrConfigProp('isoListLeadingBracket', NL.ISO_LIST_LEADING_BRACKET, {
'getter': function() { return NL.ISO_LIST_LEADING_BRACKET; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.ISO_LIST_LEADING_BRACKET = value; }
this.addStrConfigProp('isoListTailingBracket', NL.ISO_LIST_TAILING_BRACKET, {
'getter': function() { return NL.ISO_LIST_TAILING_BRACKET; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.ISO_LIST_TAILING_BRACKET = value; }
this.addStrConfigProp('isoListDelimiter', NL.ISO_LIST_DELIMITER, {
'getter': function() { return NL.ISO_LIST_DELIMITER; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.ISO_LIST_DELIMITER = value; }
this.addStrConfigProp('isoListDisallowPrefix', NL.ISO_LIST_DISALLOW_PREFIX, {
'getter': function() { return NL.ISO_LIST_DISALLOW_PREFIX; },
'setter': function(value) { if (value) NL.ISO_LIST_DISALLOW_PREFIX = value; }
* Text draw and font options.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {String} labelFontFamily Default font family to draw labels and "+" in reaction.
* @property {String} labelFontFamily Default font family to draw atoms and other chem nodes.
* @property {Float} supFontSizeRatio Font size ratio for superscript.
* @property {Float} subFontSizeRatio Font size ratio for subscript.
* @property {Float} superscriptOverhang Percentage a superscript should rise from top text top edge.
* @property {Float} subscriptOversink Percentage a subscript should fall below the text bottom edge.
* @property {Int} textCharDirection Default direction of a line of characters, default value is LTR (left to right).
* //@property {Int} textLineDirection Default direction of a set of text lines, default value is TTB (top to bottom).
* @property {Int} textHorizontalAlign Default horizontal align of text, default value is LEADING.
* @property {Int} textHorizontalAlign Default vertical align of text, default value is LEADING.
* @property {Int} textBoxXAlignment Default horizontal alignment of text box to a coordinate.
* @property {Int} textBoxYAlignment Default vertical alignment of text box to a coordinate.
* @property {Int} textBoxAlignmentMode Default text box alignment mode.
Kekule.Render.TextFontConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.TextFontConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.TextFontConfigs',
/** @private */
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addStrConfigProp('labelFontFamily', 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif');
this.addStrConfigProp('atomFontFamily', 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif');
this.addFloatConfigProp('supFontSizeRatio', 0.66);
this.addFloatConfigProp('subFontSizeRatio', 0.66);
this.addFloatConfigProp('superscriptOverhang', 0.2);
this.addFloatConfigProp('subscriptOversink', 0.2);
this.addIntConfigProp('textCharDirection', Kekule.Render.TextDirection.LTR, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.TextDirection});
//this.addIntConfigProp('textLineDirection', Kekule.Render.TextDirection.TTB);
this.addIntConfigProp('textHorizontalAlign', Kekule.Render.TextAlign.LEADING, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.TextAlign});
this.addIntConfigProp('textVerticalAlign', Kekule.Render.TextAlign.LEADING, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.TextAlign});
// not publish
this.addIntConfigProp('textBoxXAlignment', Kekule.Render.BoxXAlignment.LEFT, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.BoxXAlignment, 'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addIntConfigProp('textBoxYAlignment', Kekule.Render.BoxYAlignment.TOP, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.BoxYAlignment, 'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addIntConfigProp('textBoxAlignmentMode', Kekule.Render.TextBoxAlignmentMode.ANCHOR, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.TextBoxAlignmentMode, 'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
* Draw length and related options.
* In this class, every property value should be a float based on unitLength.
* To retrieve a value based on px, a easy way is call getActualLength(propName) method.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Float} unitLength The unit length in px. Every other length are based on this property.
* For instance, if a bond length is 12 and unit length is 2px, then the actual bond length will be 24px.
* //@property {Float} labelFontSize Default font size to draw labels. For example: 12.
* //@property {Float} atomFontSize Default font size to draw atoms and other chem nodes. For example: 12.
* @property {Float} atomLabelBoxExpandRatio Atom label box width/height should be a little large then font size.
* This value is quite useful in clip bond between nodes.
* @property {Float} chargeMarkFontSize Size of font to draw charge and radical mark.
* @property {Float} chargeMarkMargin Gap between charge/radical mark center and node point.
* //@property {Float} chargeMarkCircleWidth Width of circle stroke around charge mark. Not used yet.
* @property {Float} chemMarkerFontSize Default size of font to draw chem marker.
* @property {Float} chemMarkerMargin Default gap between chem marker object center and node point.
* @property {Float} allenCenterAtomRadius Radius of dot drawn in allen center carbon. 0 for do not draw explicit dot.
* @property {Float} defBondLength Default length of a chem bond.
* @property {Float} bondLineWidth Line width to draw a general bond.
* @property {Float} boldBondLineWidthRatio Times of line width to a normal line to draw a bold bond line.
* @property {Float} hashSpacing Spacing between small lines in hash bond line.
* @property {Float} multipleBondSpacingRatio Spacing between two lines in double or triple bond.
* This value related to bond length. The actual value should be calculated when drawing.
* @property {Float} multipleBondSpacingAbs Spacing between two lines in double or triple bond.
* This value is fixed (regardless of bond length).
* @property {Float} multipleBondMaxAbsSpacing If this value is set, the max spacing between multiple bond is fixed.
* @property {Float} bondArrowLength The length of end triangle in arrow bond.
* @property {Float} bondArrowWidth The width of end triangle in arrow bond.
* @property {Float} bondWedgeWidth The width of end triangle in wedge bond.
* @property {Float} bondWedgeHashMinWidth Start a hash wedge from 0 is often make some part hard to see.
* So we start from a small width to make better outlooks.
* @property {Float} bondWavyRadius Radius to draw arc of wavy bond.
* @property {Float} glyphStrokeWidth The default width of glyph strokes.
* @property {Float} rxnMolMargin Magin between reactants/products in reaction formula.
* @property {Float} autofitContextPadding Padding length when draw on context with drawOptions.autofit.
Kekule.Render.LengthConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.LengthConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.LengthConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addFloatConfigProp('unitLength', 1, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addFloatConfigProp('labelFontSize', 14/*10*/);
this.addFloatConfigProp('atomFontSize', 14/*10*/);
this.addFloatConfigProp('atomLabelBoxExpandRatio', 1.2 /*1.3*/, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addFloatConfigProp('chargeMarkFontSize', /*7*/10);
this.addFloatConfigProp('chargeMarkMargin', 5);
this.addFloatConfigProp('chemMarkerFontSize', /*7*/10);
this.addFloatConfigProp('chemMarkerMargin', 5);
//this.addFloatConfigProp('chargeMarkCircleWidth', 1);
// length for chem structures
this.addFloatConfigProp('allenCenterAtomRadius', 3);
this.addFloatConfigProp('defBondLength', 25); // 30); //35/* 14 /* 52 */);
this.addFloatConfigProp('bondLineWidth', 1);
this.addFloatConfigProp('boldBondLineWidthRatio', 2, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addFloatConfigProp('hashSpacing', 3);
this.addFloatConfigProp('multipleBondSpacingRatio', 0.18);
this.addFloatConfigProp('multipleBondSpacingAbs', null, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addFloatConfigProp('multipleBondMaxAbsSpacing', 5);
this.addFloatConfigProp('bondArrowLength', 6);
this.addFloatConfigProp('bondArrowWidth', 6);
this.addFloatConfigProp('bondWedgeWidth', 6);
this.addFloatConfigProp('bondWedgeHashMinWidth', 2);
this.addFloatConfigProp('bondWavyRadius', 5);
// length for glyphs
this.addFloatConfigProp('glyphStrokeWidth', 1);
// length for reaction
this.addFloatConfigProp('rxnMolMargin', 10, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
// default scale ref length, should be same as the default bond length in editor configs
this.addFloatConfigProp('defScaleRefLength', 0.8); //35/* 14 /* 52 */);
// length for context
this.addFloatConfigProp('autofitContextPadding', /*20*/45);
* Get actual length in px for a config property.
* @param {String} propName
* @returns {Float}
getActualLength: function(propName)
var v = this.getPropValue(propName);
if ((v !== null) && (v !== undefined))
return v * this.getUnitLength();
return null;
* Color related options. All color values should be in '#FFFFFF' format.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Bool} useAtomSpecifiedColor Whether use different color on different atoms.
* @property {String} labelColor Color to draw text in normal labels.
* @property {String} atomColor Color to draw text in node labels.
* @property {String} bondColor Color to draw connectors (espcially bonds).
* @property {String} glyphStrokeColor Color to draw glyph strokes.
* @property {String} glyphFillColor Color to fill glyphs.
Kekule.Render.ColorConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.ColorConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.ColorConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addBoolConfigProp('useAtomSpecifiedColor', false);
this.addStrConfigProp('labelColor', '#000000');
this.addStrConfigProp('atomColor', '#000000');
this.addStrConfigProp('bondColor', '#000000');
// color for glyphs
this.addStrConfigProp('glyphStrokeColor', '#999999');
this.addStrConfigProp('glyphFillColor', '#999999');
* Config class of 3D renderer.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs} generalConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.Render3DEnvironmentConfigs} environmentConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayConfigs} moleculeDisplayConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.Model3DConfigs} modelConfigs
* @property {Kekule.Render.Length3DConfigs} lengthConfigs
Kekule.Render.Render3DConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.Render3DConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.Render3DConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addConfigProp('generalConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('moleculeDisplayConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('lengthConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.Length3DConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('environmentConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.Render3DEnvironmentConfigs');
this.addConfigProp('modelConfigs', 'Kekule.Render.Model3DConfigs');
/** @private */
initPropValues: function($super)
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('generalConfigs', new Kekule.Render.GeneralConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('environmentConfigs', new Kekule.Render.Render3DEnvironmentConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('moleculeDisplayConfigs', new Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('modelConfigs', new Kekule.Render.Model3DConfigs());
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('lengthConfigs', new Kekule.Render.Length3DConfigs());
* Get a singleton instance of {@link Kekule.Render.Render3DConfigs}.
* @function
* @returns {Kekule.Render.RenderConfigs}
Kekule.Render.getRender3DConfigs = function()
return Kekule.Render.Render3DConfigs.getInstance();
* Options of 3D environment (especially 3D render bridge).
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Int} graphicQuality Value from {@link Kekule.Render.Render3DGraphicQuality}.
Kekule.Render.Render3DEnvironmentConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.Render3DEnvironmentConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.Render3DEnvironmentConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addIntConfigProp('graphicQuality', Kekule.Render.Render3DGraphicQuality.MEDIUM, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.Render3DGraphicQuality});
* Options to display a 3D molecule structure.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Int} defMoleculeDisplayType Value from {@link Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayType}.
* @property {Int} defBondSpliceMode Value from {@link Kekule.Render.Bond3DSpliceMode}.
* @property {Bool} defDisplayMultipleBond Whether use multilines to display miltiple bond.
* @property {String} defBondColor Default color for bond.
* @property {String} defAtomColor Default color for atom and other nodes.
* @property {Bool} useAtomSpecifiedColor Whether use different color on different atoms.
Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addIntConfigProp('defMoleculeDisplayType', Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayType.BALL_STICK, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.Molecule3DDisplayType});
this.addIntConfigProp('defBondSpliceMode', Kekule.Render.Bond3DSpliceMode.WEIGHTING_SPLIT, {'enumSource': Kekule.Render.Bond3DSpliceMode});
this.addBoolConfigProp('defDisplayMultipleBond', true);
this.addStrConfigProp('defBondColor', '#FFFFFF');
this.addStrConfigProp('defAtomColor', '#000099');
this.addBoolConfigProp('useAtomSpecifiedColor', true);
* Options to render a 3D molecule model.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Bool} useVdWRadius Whether use atom's von dar Waals radius to draw 3D model.
* Otherwise a fixed radius will be used.
* @property {Bool} showNodeLabel Whether show node / atom label text in 3D model. Not used now.
* @property {Bool} hideHydrogens Whether hide all hydrogen atoms in 3D model.
* @property {Float} nodeRadiusRatio
* @property {Float} connectorResizeRatio
* @property {Float} multiConnectorRadiusRatio
* If use multi-cylinder for multibond, this value is the radius ratio between multi and single bond.
* @property {Float} multiConnectorMarginRatio
* If mutilline or multicylinder is used for connector, value of margin / radius.
Kekule.Render.Model3DConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.Model3DConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.Model3DConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addBoolConfigProp('showNodeLabel', true, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC}); // not used now
this.addBoolConfigProp('hideHydrogens', false);
this.addBoolConfigProp('useVdWRadius', true);
this.addFloatConfigProp('nodeRadiusRatio', 0.25, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addFloatConfigProp('connectorRadiusRatio', 0.25, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addFloatConfigProp('multiConnectorRadiusRatio', 0.5);
this.addFloatConfigProp('multiConnectorMarginRatio', 1);
* Draw length and related options in 3D mode.
* In this class, every property value should be a float based on unitLength.
* To retrieve a value based on px, a easy way is call getActualLength(propName) method.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.AbstractConfigs
* @property {Float} unitLength The unit length in px. Every other length are based on this property.
* For instance, if a bond length is 12 and unit length is 2px, then the actual bond length will be 24px.
* @property {Float} fixedNodeRadius If vdW radius not used, this value is used for all atom's radius.
* @property {Float} connectorRadius Connectors will be draw based on this radius in stick or ball_stick mode.
* @property {Float} connectorLineWidth Connectors will be draw on this width in wire mode.
* @property {Float} defBondLength Approximate length of bond defaultly (in autoScale mode).
Kekule.Render.Length3DConfigs = Class.create(Kekule.AbstractConfigs,
/** @lends Kekule.Render.Length3DConfigs# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Render.Length3DConfigs',
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.addFloatConfigProp('unitLength', 1, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC});
this.addFloatConfigProp('fixedNodeRadius', 1.7); // same as radius of C
this.addFloatConfigProp('connectorRadius', 0.6); // vdW radius of H
this.addFloatConfigProp('connectorLineWidth', 2); // width of bond line in wire mode
this.addFloatConfigProp('defBondLength', /* 14 */ 100, {'scope': PS.PUBLIC}); // approximate length of bond defaultly (in autoScale)
* Get actual length in px for a config property.
* @param {String} propName
* @returns {Float}
getActualLength: function(propName)
var v = this.getPropValue(propName);
if ((v !== null) && (v !== undefined))
return v * this.getUnitLength();
return null;