* @fileoverview
* Implementation of image related widgets.
* @author Partridge Jiang
* requires /lan/classes.js
* requires /utils/kekule.utils.js
* requires /utils/kekule.domUtils.js
* requires /xbrowsers/kekule.x.js
* requires /widgets/kekule.widget.base.js
var EU = Kekule.HtmlElementUtils;
var CNS = Kekule.Widget.HtmlClassNames;
* An widget to display a small image.
* The image is actually set by CSS background property. CSS style can is setted by
* different imgInfo properties (including normalInfo, hoverInfo and so on). All these
* info hash can has the following fields:
* {
* className: class name add to element in the state.
* src: background image url.
* position: background position.
* repeat: background repeat style.
* }
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Widget.BaseWidget
* @property {Hash} normalInfo Infomation to draw glyph in normal state.
* @property {Hash} focusedInfo Infomation to draw glyph in focus state.
* @property {Hash} hoverInfo Infomation to draw glyph in hover state.
* @property {Hash} activeInfo Infomation to draw glyph in active state.
* @property {Hash} disabledInfo Infomation to draw glyph in disabled state.
Kekule.Widget.Glyph = Class.create(Kekule.Widget.BaseWidget,
/** @lends Kekule.Widget.Glyph# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Widget.Glyph',
/** @constructs */
initialize: function($super, parentOrElementOrDocument, normalImgInfo)
this._imgElem = null; // used internally
if (normalImgInfo)
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('src', {'dataType': DataType.STRING, 'serializable': false,
'setter': function(value)
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('src', value);
this.getStyle().backgroundImage = value? 'url(' + value + ')': '';
this.defineElemAttribMappingProp('spritePosition', 'backgroundPosition');
this.defineProp('autoHide', {'dataType': DataType.BOOL,
'setter': function(value)
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('autoHide', value);
this.defineImgInfoProp('normalInfo', {'dataType': DataType.HASH});
this.defineImgInfoProp('hoverInfo', {'dataType': DataType.HASH});
this.defineImgInfoProp('focusedInfo', {'dataType': DataType.HASH});
this.defineImgInfoProp('activeInfo', {'dataType': DataType.HASH});
this.defineImgInfoProp('disabledInfo', {'dataType': DataType.HASH});
defineImgInfoProp: function(propName, options)
var ops = Object.extend({
'setter': function(value)
if (value)
this.setPropStoreFieldValue(propName, Object.extend({}, value));
this.setPropStoreFieldValue(propName, null);
}, options);
return this.defineProp(propName, ops);
/** @ignore */
doGetWidgetClassName: function()
return 'K-Glyph';
/** @ignore */
doCreateRootElement: function(doc)
var result = doc.createElement('span');
return result;
/** @ignore */
doBindElement: function($super, element)
/** @ignore */
createImgContainer: function(parentElem, imgInfo)
var doc = parentElem.ownerDocument;
this._imgElem = doc.createElement('span');
this._imgElem.className = CNS.FULLFILL;
parentElem.innerHTML = '';
/** @ignore */
imgInfoChanged: function()
/** @ignore */
stateChanged: function($super)
/** @private */
updateImg: function()
var WS = Kekule.Widget.State;
var state = this.getState();
var imgInfo =
(state === WS.DISABLED)? this.getDisabledInfo():
(state === WS.ACTIVE)? this.getActiveInfo() || this.getHoverInfo() || this.getFocusedInfo():
(state === WS.HOVER)? this.getHoverInfo():
(state === WS.FOCUSED)? this.getFocusedInfo():
imgInfo = imgInfo || this.getNormalInfo();
var imgInfo =
(!this.getEnabled()? this.getDisabledInfo():
this.getIsActive()? this.getActiveInfo():
this.getIsHover()? this.getHoverInfo():
this.getIsFocused()? this.getFocusedInfo():
|| this.getNormalInfo();
/** @private */
showImgOfInfo: function(imgInfo)
var elem = this._imgElem;
if (elem)
if (imgInfo)
if (imgInfo.className)
elem.className = CNS.FULLFILL;
EU.addClass(elem, imgInfo.className);
elem.className = CNS.FULLFILL;
elem.style.backgroundImage = imgInfo.src? 'url(' + imgInfo.src + ')': '';
elem.style.backgroundPosition = imgInfo.position || '';
elem.style.backgroundRepeat = imgInfo.repeat || 'no-repeat';
elem.style.backgroundImage = '';