new EditorAttributes()
Enumeration of attributes of property editor.
Different value can be combinated by OR operation.
Show a custom widget to edit property value.
(static) DROP_EDIT
Edit widget will be created as a drop down one after clicking a drop down button inside object inspector row.
(static) INLINE_EDIT
Edit widget can be created inside object inspector row.
(static) MULTIOBJS
Property can be edit when multiple objects is selected in object inspector.
(static) POPUP_EDIT
Edit widget will be created as a popup dialog after clicking a ellipse button inside object inspector row.
(static) READONLY
Property value is read only and can not be edited.
Property value is simple and can be edited by a text box.
(static) SUBPROPS
Property can be expand to multiple rows in object inspector (such as when property type is ObjectEx).
(static) VALUELIST
Show a drop down list and value can only be set from it.