* @fileoverview
* Utils and classes to load chem resources embedded or linked in HTML page.
* The chem resources (usually a formatted file (.mol, .cml...) or a formatted string)
* can be embedded in <script> tag:
* <pre>
* <script id="chem1" type="chemical/x-mdl-molfile">
* Untitled Document-1
* ChemDraw09151219572D
* 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000
* -0.4125 0.0000 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
* 0.4125 0.0000 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
* 1 2 1 0
* </script>
* </pre>
* or linked in by <script> or <link> tag as the follows:<br />
* <script id="chem2" type="chemical/x-kekule-json" src="externalMol.kcj"></script><br />
* <link id="chem3" type="chemical/x-cml" href="external.cml" />
* Afterwards, user can ref to chem resource by ID directly in HTML code, such as:<br />
* <div data-kekule-role="Kekule.ChemWidget.Viewer2D" data-chem-obj="url(#chem1)" />
* which will initialize a 2D viewer.
* @author Partridge Jiang
* requires /lan/classes.js
* requires /core/kekule.common.js
* requires /utils/kekule.utils.js
* requires /xbrowsers/kekule.x.js
* A resource item predefined with an element.
* Resource can be defined directly inside element, e.g.:
* <script id="directResource">
* Resource content here...
* </script>
* or link in external content, e.g.:
* <script id="externalResource" src="external.content"></script>
* <link id="externalResource" href="external.content" />
* User can use url(#id) to refer to resource in HTML file:
* <div data-object="url('#externalResource')" />
* or use url directly:
* <div data-object="url('externalContentUrl')" />
* or even use JSON in html attribute directly:
* <div data-object="{JSON code here}" />
* @class
* @augments ObjectEx
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc
* @param {String} resUri URI to refer to resource, such as '#id' or 'http://url'.
* @param {String} resType Resource type. If element is set, the type can be judged by element automatically.
* @property {HTMLDocument} doc Document contains this resource reference.
* @property {String} resUri Text to refer to resource, such as '#id' or 'http://url'. Readonly.
* @property {String} resType Resource type id, usually a MIME type text.
Kekule.PredefinedResLoader = Class.create(ObjectEx,
/** @lends Kekule.PredefinedResLoader# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.PredefinedResLoader',
/** @constructs */
initialize: function($super, doc, /*elementOrUrl*/resUri, resType)
if (elementOrUrl)
if (typeof(elementOrUrl) === 'string') // is Url
else // is element
if (!resUri)
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('resUri', resUri);
if (resType)
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('doc', {'dataType': DataType.OBJECT, 'serializable': false});
this.defineProp('resUri', {'dataType': DataType.STRING, 'serializable': false, 'setter': null});
this.defineProp('resType', {'dataType': DataType.STRING, 'serializable': false});
this.defineProp('element', {'dataType': DataType.OBJECT, 'serializable': false});
this.defineProp('url', {'dataType': DataType.STRING, 'serializable': false,
'getter': function()
var result = this.getPropStoreFieldValue('url');
if (!result && this.getElement())
result = this.getLinkedResUrl(this.getElement());
return result;
this.defineProp('resType', {'dataType': DataType.STRING, 'serializable': false,
'getter': function()
var result = this.getPropStoreFieldValue('resType');;
if (!result && this.getElement())
result = this.getElemResType(this.getElement());
return result;
* Returns url linked in by element.
* Usually "href" attribute of <link> element or "src" element of <script> element.
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {String}
* @private
getLinkedResUrl: function(elem)
var tagName = elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (tagName === 'link')
return elem.getAttribute('href');
else if (tagName === 'script')
return elem.getAttribute('src');
return null;
* Returns resource type appointed by element.
* Usually "type" attribute of <link> element or <script> element.
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {String}
* @private
getElemResType: function(elem)
return elem.getAttribute('type');
* Load content of resource.
* Note if resource if defined by a URL (<script src> or <link href>, the content
* will be load by AJAX asychronously. So a callback function is used here.
* @param {Func} callback Called after resource is loaded. The callback function has the
* following params:
* callback(resInfo, success)
* where resInfo is a hash object, contains the following fields: {data, text, resType, resUri, success}.
* If load fails, data and text field of resInfo will be null.
load: function(callback)
// TODO: currently only handle direct embedded data or simple AJAX data
//var url = this.getUrl();
var uri = this.getResUri();
var resElem, url;
var idMark = Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.ID_MARK;
if (uri.startsWith(idMark)) // ref to an element
var id = uri.substr(idMark.length).trim();
resElem = this.getDoc().getElementById(id);
if (resElem) // check element linked url
url = this.getLinkedResUrl(resElem);
var resType = this.getElemResType(resElem);
if (resType)
else // direct url
url = uri;
var resInfo = {'resType': this.getResType(), 'resUri': uri};
if (url)
Kekule.X.Ajax.sendRequest(url, function(data, req, success)
if (success)
resInfo = Object.extend(resInfo, {'data': data, 'text': req.responseText, 'success': true});
if (!resInfo.resType)
resInfo.resType = Kekule.X.Ajax.getResponseMimeType(req);
if (resInfo.resType === Kekule.IO.MimeType.OCTSTREAM) // returns oct stream mimetype, server may can not reconganize a chem format file
// determine proper mime type by file extension
var fileExt = Kekule.UrlUtils.extractFileExt(url);
if (fileExt)
var chemFormat = Kekule.IO.DataFormatsManager.findFormat(null, fileExt);
if (chemFormat)
resInfo.resType = chemFormat.mimeType;
callback(resInfo, success);
else // failed
callback(resInfo, false);
}, null, null, this.getResType() || null);
else if (resElem) // element set but no url, a internal embedded resource
var content = resElem.innerHTML;
// innerHTML often start with a blank lines, erase it
// eliminate the first blank line
var lbreak = 2;
var p = content.indexOf('\r\n');
if (p < 0)
p = content.indexOf('\n');
lbreak = 1;
if (p === 0)
content = content.substring(lbreak);
//content = content.ltrim();
resInfo = Object.extend(resInfo, {'data': content, 'text': content, 'resType': resInfo.resType || 'text/plain', 'success': true});
callback(resInfo, true); // success
else // no corresponding resource
callback(resInfo, false);
* Utility class to handle values refered to a predefined resource.
* @class
Kekule.PredefinedResReferer = {
/** @private */
REFER_PATTERN: /^\s*url\((\S+)\)\s*$/,
/** @private */
ID_MARK: '#',
/* @private */
//JSON_PATTERN: /^\s*(\{\S+\})\s*$/,
* Check if a str is a resource referer (like url(#id) or url('url')) or JSON text.
* Both types may be used as resource.
* @param {String} str
* @returns {Bool}
isResValue: function(str)
//return Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.isResReferrer(str) || Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.isDirectJson(str);
return Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.isResReferrer(str);
* Check if a str is a resource referrer (like url(#id) or url('url')).
* @param {String} str
* @returns {Bool}
isResReferrer: function(str)
return Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.REFER_PATTERN.test(str);
* Check if a str is a JSON text.
* @param {String} str
* @returns {Bool}
isDirectJson: function(str)
return Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.JSON_PATTERN.test(str);
* Extract value inside resource referer's parenthesis (e.g. #id from url(#id), url from url('url')).
* @param {String} str
* @returns {String}
extractReferedValue: function(str)
var result = Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.REFER_PATTERN.exec(str);
if (result)
var value = result[1];
if (value)
value = Kekule.StrUtils.unquote(value);
return value;
return null;
* Extract JSON str inside HTML attributes.
* @param {String} str
* @returns {String}
extractJsonText: function(str)
var result = Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.JSON_PATTERN.exec(str);
if (result)
var s = result[1];
if (s)
return s;
return null;
* Get resource content from resource reference string.
* When the retrieve is done, callback will be called.
* @param {String} refStr
* @param {Function} callback Called after resource is loaded. The callback function has the
* following params:
* callback(resInfo, success)
* resInfo will be null if loading failed.
* On success,resInfo is a hash object, contains the following fields: {data, text, resType, resUrl}.
* @param {String} resType
loadResource: function(refStr, callback, resType, doc)
if (!doc)
doc = document;
var R = Kekule.PredefinedResReferer;
//if (R.isResReferrer(refStr))
var refValue = R.extractReferedValue(refStr);
var resLoader;
if (refValue.startsWith(R.ID_MARK)) // ref to an element
var id = value.substr(1).trim();
var resElem = doc.getElementById(id);
if (resElem)
resLoader = new Kekule.PredefinedResLoader(resElem);
else // direct url
resLoader = new Kekule.PredefinedResLoader(refValue);
resLoader = new Kekule.PredefinedResLoader(doc, refValue);
if (resLoader)
if (resType)
else if (R.isDirectJson(refStr))
var s = R.extractJsonText(refStr);
if (s)
//var jsonObj = JSON.parse(s);
var resInfo = {'resType': Kekule.IO.MimeType.JSON, 'data': s, 'text': s, 'success': true};
callback(resInfo, true);
// extend Kekule.IO method to load predefined resource
if (Kekule.IO)
* Load chem object from a predefined resource.
* When the loading process is done, callback will be called.
* @param {String} refStr
* @param {Function} callback Called after chem object is loaded.
* The callback Has two params (chemObj, success).
* @param {String} resType set the resource type.
* If not set, the type will be generated automatically.
* @param {Document} doc Root HTML document. If not set, current document will be used.
Kekule.IO.loadResourceData = function(refStr, callback, resType, doc)
Kekule.PredefinedResReferer.loadResource(refStr, function(resData, success){
var chemObj;
if (success)
chemObj = Kekule.IO.loadTypedData(resData.data, resData.resType, resData.resUri);
if (callback)
callback(chemObj, success);
}, resType, doc);