* @fileoverview
* Implementation of repository for editor.
* @author Partridge Jiang
* requires /lan/classes.js
* requires /core/kekule.common.js
* requires /render/kekule.render.base.js
* requires /render/kekule.render.extensions.js
* requires /render/kekule.render.kekule.render.utils.js
* requires /widgets/chem/editor/kekule.chemEditor.extensions.js
"use strict";
* Base repository item class.
* @class
* @augments ObjectEx
* @property {String} name The unique name of this repository item.
Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem = Class.create(ObjectEx,
/** @lends Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem',
/** @construct */
initialize: function($super)
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
//this.defineProp('repository', {'dataType': 'Kekule.ChemObject', 'serializable': false});
this.defineProp('name', {'dataType': DataType.STRING});
* Returns this repository item can be used in 2D/3D or both editor.
* @returns {Array}
getAvailableCoordModes: function()
return [];
* Returns chem objects which can stored in this repository.
* All objects will be be inserted into chem editor when execute this repository item.
* @param {Kekule.ChemObject} targetObj Existing object in editor that the repository objects based on.
* Set it to null to indicate that the repository object should be created in blank space.
* @param {Hash} options Options to create new objects. Different repository item may has different options.
* @returns {Hash} A hash object that should containing the following fields:
* {
* objects: Array, identical. Objects created.
* mergeObj: Kekule.ChemObject, optional. If created objects can merge with targetObj, this field decide the merge part.
* mergeDest: Kekule.ChemObject, optional. Which object should this repository item merge to. If not set, means merge to targetObj.
* baseObjCoord: The base object system coord to rotate objects added to editor after inserting immediately.
* //centerCoord: Center coord of repository object.
* }
createObjects: function(targetObj, options)
// do nothing here
* Returns default scale level of this repository object when adding to editor.
* @returns {Float}
getScale: function()
return this.doGetScale() || 1;
/** @private */
doGetScale: function()
return 1;
* Returns ref length to adjust repository object coord and size in editor.
* @returns {Float}
getRefLength: function()
return this.doGetRefLength() / (this.getScale() || 1);
/** @private */
doGetRefLength: function()
// do nothing here
* Returns if repository object created is one molecule (structure fragment).
* @returns {Bool}
isOneStructureFragmentObj: function()
return false;
* A base class for molecule structure based repository item.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem
* @property {Hash} molManipulationCenterCoord The center 2D coord in rotation in editor. Set to null to use the default one.
* @property {Hash} molManipulationDefDirectionCoord The default reference direction vector (from center) during rotation in editor.
Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D = Class.create(Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem,
/** @lends Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D',
/** @construct */
initialize: function($super)
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('molScale', {'dataType': DataType.FLOAT});
this.defineProp('molManipulationCenterCoord', {'dataType': DataType.HASH});
this.defineProp('molManipulationDefDirectionCoord', {'dataType': DataType.HASH});
/** @ignore */
doGetScale: function($super)
return this.getMolScale() || $super();
/** @ignore */
getAvailableCoordModes: function()
return Kekule.CoordMode.COORD2D; // only support 2D
/** @ignore */
isOneStructureFragmentObj: function()
return true;
/** @ignore */
createObjects: function(targetObj, options)
var mol = this.doCreateObjects(targetObj, options);
if (!mol)
return null;
var mergeObj = null;
var mergeDest = null;
var baseCoord = {'x': 0, 'y': 0};
if (targetObj) // targetObj not empty, and a new mol is created, need to merge
mergeObj = (targetObj instanceof Kekule.ChemStructureNode)? this.doGetMergableNode(mol, targetObj):
(targetObj instanceof Kekule.ChemStructureConnector)? this.doGetMergableConnector(mol, targetObj):
if (mergeObj)
mergeDest = targetObj;
baseCoord = mergeObj.getAbsBaseCoord2D();
return {
'objects': [mol],
'mergeObj': mergeObj,
'mergeDest': mergeDest,
'baseObjCoord': baseCoord,
'centerCoord': {'x': 0, 'y': 0}
* Do actual work of createObjects.
* Descendants should override this method.
* @param {Object} targetObj
* @private
doCreateObjects: function(targetObj, options)
return null; // do nothing here
* Returns node in repository molecule that need to be merged with target.
* Descendants should override this method.
* @returns {Kekule.ChemStructureNode}
* @private
doGetMergableNode: function(mol, targetNode)
return null;
* Returns connector in repository molecule that need to be merged with target.
* Descendants should override this method.
* @returns {Kekule.ChemStructureConnector}
* @private
doGetMergableConnector: function(mol, targetNode)
return null;
* A class to store predefined molecule template.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D
* @param {Variant} structData Source data of structfragment.
* @param {String} dataFormat Format id of structData.
* @property {Variant} structData Source data of structfragment.
* @property {String} dataFormat Format id of structData.
Kekule.Editor.StoredStructFragmentRepositoryItem2D = Class.create(Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D,
/** @lends Kekule.Editor.StoredStructFragmentRepositoryItem2D# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Editor.StoredStructFragmentRepositoryItem2D',
/** @construct */
initialize: function($super, structData, dataFormat, defScale)
if (dataFormat)
if (structData) // create stored structfragment
if (defScale)
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('structureFragment', {'dataType': 'Kekule.StructureFragment', 'setter': null, 'serializable': false});
this.defineProp('structData', {'dataType': DataType.STRING});
this.defineProp('dataFormat', {'dataType': DataType.STRING});
/** @ignore */
objectChange: function($super, modifiedProps)
if ((modifiedProps.indexOf('structData') >= 0) || (modifiedProps.indexOf('dataFormat') >= 0))
var structFragment = null;
if (this.getStructData())
structFragment = this._createTemplateStructFragment();
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('structureFragment', structFragment);
/** @private */
_createTemplateStructFragment: function()
var structFragment = null;
if (this.getStructData())
structFragment = Kekule.IO.loadFormatData(this.getStructData(), this.getDataFormat() || Kekule.IO.DataFormat.KEKULE_JSON);
if (structFragment)
// adjust coord
return structFragment;
/** @private */
_adjustTemplateStructureFragmentCoords: function(structFragment)
structFragment.setCoord2D({'x': 0, 'y': 0});
var objBox = Kekule.Render.ObjUtils.getContainerBox(structFragment, Kekule.CoordMode.COORD2D, true);
if (objBox)
var oldObjCoord = structFragment.getCoordOfMode ?
structFragment.getCoordOfMode(Kekule.CoordMode.COORD2D, true) || {} :
var delta = {};
delta.x = -(objBox.x2 + objBox.x1) / 2;
delta.y = -(objBox.y2 + objBox.y1) / 2;
var newObjCoord = Kekule.CoordUtils.add(oldObjCoord, delta);
if (structFragment.setCoordOfMode)
structFragment.setCoordOfMode(newObjCoord, Kekule.CoordMode.COORD2D);
// transform coords of children
for (var i = 0, l = structFragment.getNodeCount(); i < l; ++i)
var node = structFragment.getNodeAt(i);
var coord = node.getCoord2D(true);
coord = Kekule.CoordUtils.add(coord, delta);
/** @ignore */
doGetRefLength: function()
var mol = this.getStructureFragment();
return mol? mol.getConnectorLengthMedian(Kekule.CoordMode.COORD2D, true): 0;
/** @ignore */
doCreateObjects: function(targetObj, options)
var structFragment = this.getStructureFragment();
return structFragment? structFragment.clone(): null;
/** @ignore */
doGetMergableNode: function(mol, targetNode)
return mol.getAnchorNodeAt(0) || mol.getNodeAt(0);
/** @ignore */
doGetMergableConnector: function(mol, targetNode)
return null;
* A class to store predefined subgroup templates.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Editor.StoredStructFragmentRepositoryItem2D
* @param {Variant} structData Source data of structfragment.
* @param {String} dataFormat Format id of structData.
* @property {Variant} structData Source data of structfragment.
* @property {String} dataFormat Format id of structData.
* @property {Array} inputTexts Strings that can direcly used to be insert subgroup,
* e.g, COOH and CO2H can both input a carboxyl.
Kekule.Editor.StoredSubgroupRepositoryItem2D = Class.create(Kekule.Editor.StoredStructFragmentRepositoryItem2D,
/** @lends Kekule.Editor.StoredSubgroupRepositoryItem2D# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Editor.StoredSubgroupRepositoryItem2D',
/** @construct */
initialize: function($super, structData, dataFormat, defScale)
$super(structData, dataFormat, defScale);
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
//this.defineProp('abbr', {'dataType': DataType.STRING});
this.defineProp('inputTexts', {'dataType': DataType.STRING});
/** @ignore */
doCreateObjects: function(targetObj, options)
var structFragment = this.getStructureFragment();
if (structFragment)
var result = new Kekule.SubGroup(); // always returns sub group even if structureFragment is in molecule class
result.assign(structFragment, false); // do not copy id
return result;
return null;
/** @ignore */
createObjects: function($super, targetObj)
var result = $super(targetObj);
return result;
var mol = result.objects[0];
if (mol && mol.getAnchorNodeCount() >= 0)
var coord = (mol.getAnchorNodeAt(0) || mol.getNodeAt(0)).getAbsCoord2D(true);
result.baseObjCoord = coord;
return result;
/** @ignore */
_adjustTemplateStructureFragmentCoords: function(structFragment)
structFragment.setCoord2D({'x': 0, 'y': 0});
var anchorNode = structFragment.getCurrConnectableObj();
if (anchorNode)
var delta = Kekule.CoordUtils.substract({x: 0, y: 0}, anchorNode.getCoord2D(true));
// transform coords of children
for (var i = 0, l = structFragment.getNodeCount(); i < l; ++i)
var node = structFragment.getNodeAt(i);
var coord = node.getCoord2D(true);
coord = Kekule.CoordUtils.add(coord, delta);
// utils functions
Kekule.Editor.StoredSubgroupRepositoryItem2D.getRepItemOfInputText = function(inputText)
var repItems = Kekule.Editor.RepositoryItemManager.getAllItems(Kekule.Editor.StoredSubgroupRepositoryItem2D) || [];
for (var i = 0, l = repItems.length; i < l; ++i)
var repItem = repItems[i];
if ((repItem.getInputTexts() || []).indexOf(inputText) >= 0)
return repItem;
return null;
Kekule.Editor.StoredSubgroupRepositoryItem2D.getAllRepItems = function()
return Kekule.Editor.RepositoryItemManager.getAllItems(Kekule.Editor.StoredSubgroupRepositoryItem2D) || [];
* A base class to generate ring structure based repository item.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D
* @param {Int} ringAtomCount Atom count on ring.
* @param {Float} bondLength Default bond length to generate ring.
* @property {Int} ringAtomCount Atom count on ring.
* @property {Float} bondLength Default bond length to generate ring.
* @property {Bool} isAromatic Whether this ring is a aromatic one (single/double bond intersect),
* @property {Bool} enableCoordCache
Kekule.Editor.MolRingRepositoryItem2D = Class.create(Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D,
/** @lends Kekule.Editor.MolRingRepositoryItem2D# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Editor.MolRingRepositoryItem2D',
/** @construct */
initialize: function($super, ringAtomCount, bondLength)
this.setBondLength(bondLength || 1);
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('ringAtomCount', {'dataType': DataType.INT});
this.defineProp('bondLength', {'dataType': DataType.FLOAT,
'setter': function(value)
if (value !== this.getBondLength())
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('bondLength', value);
this.defineProp('isAromatic', {'dataType': DataType.BOOL});
this.defineProp('enableCoordCache', {'dataType': DataType.BOOL,
'setter': function(value)
if (value !== this.getEnableCoordCache())
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('enableCoordCache', value);
//console.log('set cache', value, this._coordCache);
if (value && !this._coordCache)
this.defineProp('ring', {'dataType': 'Kekule.StructureFragment', 'serializable': false,
'setter': null,
'getter': function()
var result = this.getPropStoreFieldValue('ring');
if (!result)
result = this.generateRing();
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('ring', result);
return result;
/* @private */
objectChange: function($super, modifiedProps)
if ((modifiedProps.indexOf('ringAtomCount') >= 0) || (modifiedProps.indexOf('bondLength') >= 0))
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('ring', null);
/** @ignore */
doGetRefLength: function()
return this.getBondLength();
/** @ignore */
doCreateObjects: function(targetObj, options)
var orginalMol = options && options.originalStructFragment;
return this.generateRing(orginalMol);
/** @ignore */
doGetMergableNode: function(mol, targetNode)
return mol.getNodeAt(0);
/** @ignore */
doGetMergableConnector: function(mol, targetNode)
return mol.getConnectorAt(0);
* Generate a ring structure fragment either in targetMol
* or a new molecule based on newStructFragmentClass if targetMol is null.
* @private
generateRing: function(targetMol, newStructFragmentClass)
if (!newStructFragmentClass)
newStructFragmentClass = Kekule.Molecule;
var mol;
//var children = [];
if (targetMol)
mol = targetMol;
mol = new newStructFragmentClass();
var atomCount = this.getRingAtomCount();
mol.setCoord2D({'x': 0, 'y': 0}); // important, ensure the old molecule coord does not affect new insertion of object
// remove unneed mol node and connectors
var oldNodeCount = mol.getNodeCount();
if (oldNodeCount > atomCount) // remove unwanted nodes
for (var i = oldNodeCount - 1; i >= atomCount; --i)
var oldConnectorCount = mol.getConnectorCount();
for (var i = oldConnectorCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) // remove all old bonds
var coordCacheEnabled = this.getEnableCoordCache();
var hasCoordCache = coordCacheEnabled && this._hasCoordCache(atomCount);
//console.log(atomCount, this._hasCoordCache(atomCount), coordCacheEnabled, this._coordCache[atomCount]);
var atomCoords;
if (!hasCoordCache) // has no cache, need to calculate
atomCoords = this._calcAtomCoords(atomCount);
atomCoords = this._getCachedCoords(atomCount);
var bondLength = this.getBondLength();
var lastAtom;
var lastAtomIndex;
var firstAtom;
// generate atoms and bonds
for (var i = 0; i < atomCount; ++i)
var atom = mol.getNodeAt(i);
if (!atom)
atom = this._generateAtom(i);
var atomCoord;
var coord = atomCoords[i];
if (bondLength !== 1)
coord = Kekule.CoordUtils.multiply(coord);
if (i === 0)
firstAtom = atom;
// connect with bond
if (lastAtom)
var bond = this._generateBond(lastAtomIndex, i);
lastAtom = atom;
lastAtomIndex = i;
// seal the last bond
var bond = this._generateBond(atomCount - 1, 0);
if (!targetMol)
return mol;
return children;
return mol;
/** @private */
_generateAtom: function(atomIndex)
return new Kekule.Atom(null, 'C'); // default use C element
/** @private */
_generateBond: function(atomIndex1, atomIndex2)
var bondOrder = Kekule.BondOrder.SINGLE;
if (this.getIsAromatic())
if (atomIndex1 % 2) // even index
bondOrder = Kekule.BondOrder.DOUBLE;
return new Kekule.Bond(null, null, bondOrder);
/** @private */
_calcAtomCoords: function(atomCount)
var bondLength = 1;
var coordCacheEnabled = this.getEnableCoordCache();
var halfCenterAngle = Math.PI / atomCount;
var sinHalfCenterAngle = Math.sin(halfCenterAngle);
//var cosHalfCenterAngle = Math.sin(halfCenterAngle);
var centerAngle = 2 * halfCenterAngle;
//var bondAngle = Math.PI - centerAngle;
var centerAtomLength = bondLength / 2 / sinHalfCenterAngle;
var startingAngle = ((atomCount === 4) || (atomCount === 8)) ? -Math.PI / 2 - centerAngle / 2 : -Math.PI / 2;
var currAngle = startingAngle;
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < atomCount; ++i)
// set atom coord
var x = centerAtomLength * Math.cos(currAngle);
var y = centerAtomLength * Math.sin(currAngle);
var coord = {'x': x, 'y': y};
if (coordCacheEnabled)
this._setCoordToCache(coord, atomCount, i);
currAngle += centerAngle;
return result;
/** @private */
_initCoordCache: function()
//console.log('init cache');
this._coordCache = [];
// fill some common ring caches
for (var i = 3; i < 13; ++i)
//console.log('pre calc', i);
/** @private */
_clearCoordCache: function()
this._coordCache = [];
/** @private */
_setCoordToCache: function(coord, atomCount, atomIndex)
var cache = this._coordCache[atomCount];
if (!cache)
cache = [];
this._coordCache[atomCount] = cache;
cache[atomIndex] = coord;
/** @private */
_getCachedCoord: function(atomCount, atomIndex)
var cache = this._coordCache[atomCount];
return cache && cache[atomIndex] ;
/** @private */
_getCachedCoords: function(atomCount)
return this._coordCache[atomCount];
/** @private */
_hasCoordCache: function(atomCount)
return !!(this._coordCache && this._coordCache[atomCount]);
* A repository class to generate lone carbon chains.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D
* @param {Int} atomCount Atom count on chain.
* @param {Float} bondLength Default bond length to generate chain.
* @property {Int} atomCount Atom count on chain.
* @property {Float} bondLength Default bond length to generate chain.
* @property {Bool} negativeDirection If true, the chain will be created as "VVVVV", else "^^^^^".
Kekule.Editor.MolChainRepositoryItem2D = Class.create(Kekule.Editor.MolRepositoryItem2D,
/** @lends Kekule.Editor.MolChainRepositoryItem2D# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Editor.MolChainRepositoryItem2D',
/** @private */
STEP_X_INC: Math.cos(30 / 180 * Math.PI),
/** @private */
STEP_Y_INC: Math.sin(30 / 180 * Math.PI),
/** @construct */
initialize: function($super, atomCount, bondLength)
this.setBondLength(bondLength || 1);
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('atomCount', {'dataType': DataType.INT});
this.defineProp('bondLength', {'dataType': DataType.FLOAT});
this.defineProp('negativeDirection', {'dataType': DataType.BOOL});
this.defineProp('enableCoordCache', {'dataType': DataType.BOOL,
'setter': function(value)
if (value !== this.getEnableCoordCache())
this.setPropStoreFieldValue('enableCoordCache', value);
//console.log('set cache', value, this._coordCache);
if (value && !this._coordCache)
/** @ignore */
doGetRefLength: function()
return this.getBondLength();
/** @ignore */
doCreateObjects: function(targetObj, options)
var orginalMol = options && options.originalStructFragment;
return this.generateChain(orginalMol);
/** @ignore */
doGetMergableNode: function(mol, targetNode)
return mol.getNodeAt(0);
/** @ignore */
doGetMergableConnector: function(mol, targetNode)
//return mol.getConnectorAt(0);
return null; // TODO: now has bugs when flex chain is created on an existing bond
* Generate a chain structure fragment either in targetMol
* or a new molecule based on newStructFragmentClass if targetMol is null.
* @private
generateChain: function(targetMol, newStructFragmentClass)
if (!newStructFragmentClass)
newStructFragmentClass = Kekule.Molecule;
var mol = targetMol || new newStructFragmentClass();
var atomCount = this.getAtomCount();
var bondLength = this.getBondLength() || 1;
var atomCoords = this._getCachedCoord(atomCount);
if (!atomCoords) // has no cache, need to calculate
atomCoords = this._calcAtomCoords(atomCount);
//console.log('fetch atom coords', atomCoords);
var deltaCoord = {'x': this.STEP_X_INC * bondLength, 'y': this.STEP_Y_INC * bondLength};
if (this.getNegativeDirection())
deltaCoord.y = -deltaCoord.y;
var negativeDirection = this.getNegativeDirection();
mol.setCoord2D({'x': 0, 'y': 0}); // important, ensure the old molecule coord does not affect new insertion of object
var currCoord = {'x': 0, 'y': 0};
var ySign = 1;
var oldNodeCount = mol.getNodeCount();
if (oldNodeCount > atomCount) // remove unwanted nodes
for (var i = oldNodeCount - 1; i >= atomCount; --i)
var oldConnectorCount = mol.getConnectorCount();
if (oldConnectorCount > atomCount - 1)
for (var i = oldConnectorCount - 1; i >= atomCount - 1; --i)
var lastAtom, currAtom, bond;
for (var i = 0, l = atomCount; i < l; ++i)
lastAtom = currAtom;
var atomCreated = false;
var currAtom = mol.getNodeAt(i);
if (!currAtom)
currAtom = this._generateAtom(i);
atomCreated = true;
var coord = this._getCachedCoord(i);
if (!coord)
coord = this._calcAtomCoord(i);
if (bondLength !== 1)
coord = Kekule.CoordUtils.multiply(coord, bondLength);
if (negativeDirection)
coord = {'x': coord.x, 'y': -coord.y}; // avoid change cached coord directly
if (atomCreated)
if (lastAtom && atomCreated)
bond = this._generateBond(i - 1, i);
currCoord = {'x': currCoord.x + deltaCoord.x, 'y': currCoord.y + deltaCoord.y * ySign};
ySign = -ySign;
// set manipulate center object
this.setMolManipulationCenterCoord({'x': 0, 'y': 0});
this.setMolManipulationDefDirectionCoord({'x': 1, 'y': 0});
return mol;
/** @private */
_generateAtom: function(atomIndex)
return new Kekule.Atom(null, 'C'); // default use C element
/** @private */
_generateBond: function(atomIndex1, atomIndex2)
var bondOrder = Kekule.BondOrder.SINGLE;
if (this.getIsAromatic())
if (atomIndex1 % 2) // even index
bondOrder = Kekule.BondOrder.DOUBLE;
return new Kekule.Bond(null, null, bondOrder);
/** @private */
_calcAtomSetCoords: function(atomCount)
var coordCacheEnabled = this.getEnableCoordCache();
var bondLength = 1;
var deltaCoord = {'x': this.STEP_X_INC * bondLength, 'y': this.STEP_Y_INC * bondLength};
var result = [];
var currCoord = {'x': 0, 'y': 0};
this._coordCache[0] = currCoord;
var lastAtom, currAtom, bond;
for (var i = 1, l = atomCount; i < l; ++i)
currCoord = {'x': currCoord.x + deltaCoord.x, 'y': (i % 2)? deltaCoord.y: 0};
if (coordCacheEnabled)
this._coordCache[i] = currCoord;
//console.log(atomCount, result);
return result;
/** @private */
_calcAtomCoord: function(atomIndex)
var bondLength = 1;
var deltaCoord = {'x': this.STEP_X_INC * bondLength, 'y': this.STEP_Y_INC * bondLength};
var result = {
'x': deltaCoord.x * atomIndex,
'y': (atomIndex % 2)? deltaCoord.y: 0
if (this._coordCache)
this._coordCache[atomIndex] = result;
return result;
/** @private */
_initCoordCache: function()
//console.log('init cache');
this._coordCache = [];
// fill some common chain caches
var coords = this._calcAtomSetCoords(30);
/** @private */
_clearCoordCache: function()
this._coordCache = [];
/** @private */
_getCachedCoord: function(atomIndex)
return this._coordCache && this._coordCache[atomIndex];
* A base class to generate path glyphs.
* @class
* @augments Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem
* @param {Class} glyphClass Class to create glyph.
* @param {Float} glyphRefLength Default length to generate glyph.
* @property {Hash} glyphInitialParams Initial params to create glyph.
* @property {Class} glyphClass Class to create glyph.
* @property {Float} glyphRefLength Default length to generate glyph.
* @property {Hash} glyphInitialParams Initial params to create glyph.
Kekule.Editor.PathGlyphRepositoryItem2D = Class.create(Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem,
/** @lends Kekule.Editor.PathGlyphRepositoryItem2D# */
/** @private */
CLASS_NAME: 'Kekule.Editor.PathGlyphRepositoryItem2D',
/** @construct */
initialize: function($super, glyphClass, glyphRefLength, glyphInitialParams)
this.setGlyphRefLength(glyphRefLength || 1);
/** @private */
initProperties: function()
this.defineProp('glyphRefLength', {'dataType': DataType.FLOAT});
this.defineProp('glyphClass', {'dataType': DataType.CLASS, 'serializable': false});
this.defineProp('glyphInitialParams', {'dataType': DataType.HASH});
/** @ignore */
getAvailableCoordModes: function()
return Kekule.CoordMode.COORD2D; // only support 2D
/** @ignore */
doGetRefLength: function()
return this.getGlyphRefLength();
/** @ignore */
createObjects: function(targetObj)
var glyph = this.generateGlyph();
var baseCoord = {'x': 0, 'y': 0};
return {
'objects': [glyph],
'mergeObj': null,
'mergeDest': null,
'baseObjCoord': baseCoord,
'centerCoord': baseCoord
/** @private */
generateGlyph: function()
var gClass = this.getGlyphClass();
var obj = new gClass(null, this.getGlyphRefLength(), this.getGlyphInitialParams());
return obj;
* A manager to store all predefined subgroup repositories
* @class
Kekule.Editor.RepositoryItemManager = {
/** @private */
_itemClassMap: new Kekule.MapEx(true),
/** @private */
_itemNameMap: new Kekule.MapEx(true),
* Returns all repository items of a particular repository class.
* @param {Class} repClass
* @returns {Array}
getAllItems: function(repClass)
return RM._itemClassMap.get(repClass);
getItem: function(name)
return RM._itemNameMap.get(name);
* Register a repository item.
* @param {Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem} repItem
register: function(repItem)
var name = repItem.getName();
var replacedItem;
if (name) // add to name map
replacedItem = RM.getItem();
RM._itemNameMap.set(name, repItem);
// add to class map
var repClass = repItem.getClass();
var items = RM.getAllItems(repClass);
if (!items)
items = [repItem];
RM._itemClassMap.set(repClass, items);
if (replacedItem) // replace old
Kekule.ArrayUtils.replace(items, replacedItem, repItem);
else // add new
Kekule.ArrayUtils.pushUnique(items, repItem);
* Unregister a repository item.
* @param {Kekule.Editor.AbstractRepositoryItem} repItem
unregister: function(repItem)
var repClass = repItem.getClass();
// remove from class map
var items = RM.getAllItems(repClass);
if (items)
Kekule.ArrayUtils.remove(items, repItem);
// remove from name map
var name = repItem.getName();
if (name)
var RM = Kekule.Editor.RepositoryItemManager;
// register all predefined subgroup rep items
Kekule._registerAfterLoadSysProc(function (){
if (Kekule.Editor.RepositoryData)
var data = Kekule.Editor.RepositoryData.subGroups || [];
for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; ++i)
var detail = data[i];
var repItem = new Kekule.Editor.StoredSubgroupRepositoryItem2D(detail.structData, detail.dataFormat, detail.scale);
repItem.setInputTexts(detail.inputTexts).setName(detail.name || detail.inputTexts[0]);
//console.log('reg', repItem);
var data = Kekule.Editor.RepositoryData.fragments || [];
for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; ++i)
var detail = data[i];
var repItem = new Kekule.Editor.StoredStructFragmentRepositoryItem2D(detail.structData, detail.dataFormat, detail.scale);
//console.log('reg', repItem);