Class: InteractionConfigs

Kekule.Editor. InteractionConfigs

new InteractionConfigs()

Configs of interaction between user and editor.
Name Type Description
editorInitialZoom Float Initial zoom level of chem editor.
enableTrackOnNearest Bool If true, hot track or selection will focus on object nearest to coord, otherwise, focus on topmost object around coord.
enableHotTrack Bool Whether highlighting objects under mouse when mouse moves over editor.
autoSelectNewlyInsertedObjects Bool Whether select objects newly inserted into editor by IA controllers autimatically.
objBoundTrackMinInflation Int The bound of object will usually be inflated to make it easier to select. This value controls the minimal inflating degree.
selectionMarkerInflation Int Inflation of selection marker, makes it easier to see the containing objects.
selectionMarkerEdgeInflation Int Inflation when judging if a coord is on selection marker edge.
selectionMarkerDefPulseDuration Int
selectionMarkerDefPulseCount Int
selectionCurveSimplificationDistanceThreshold Int Distance threshold to simplify the selecting curve.
rotationRegionInflation Int A circle with this ratio outside selection area marker will be regarded as rotation region.
constrainedRotateStep Float In constrained rotate mode, rotation angle will only be times of this value.
rotationLocationPointDistanceThreshold Int Rotate will occur only when mouse point distance (from rotation center) larger than this value (too small distance will cause very sharp rotation).
directedMoveDistanceThreshold Int Directed moving will only be done if moved distance large than this value.
enablePartialAreaSelecting Bool If this value is true, when drag a selecting rubber band, object partial in the band will also be selected.
enableMergePreview Bool When set to true, a preview of merge (instead of actual merge) will be displayed during manipulation of chem objects. Set this value to true will improve the performance of chem editor.
enableOffSelectionManipulation Bool If true, holding pointer down outside selection region for a while will enter the manipulation state to move the selected objects.
OffSelectionManipulationActivatingTimeThreshold Int Holding pointer down longer then this time (in ms) may invoker off selection manipulation.
enableGestureManipulation Bool Whether using pinch/rotate gesture to manipulate selected objects is allowed.
enableGestureZoomOnEditor Bool Whether using pinch gesture change the zoom level of editor is allowed.
unmovePointerDistanceThreshold Float When moving less than this distance, pointer will be regarded as still.
atomSetterFontSize Int Font size of atom setter widget.
allowUnknownAtomSymbol Bool If true, input unknown text in atom setter will add new pseudo atom.
clonedObjectScreenOffset Int The pixel distance between cloned objects and origin objects when doing clone selection action in editor.
selectingCurveSimplificationDistanceThreshold Int Distance threshold to simplify curves in selecting marker.
selectingBrushWidth Float The selecting brush width. //@property {Int} selectingBrushMinWidth Min width of selecting brush.
trackSimplifierDistanceThreshold Int Distance threshold to simplify curves in track structure input.
trackTouchRefLength Float In touch track input, the editor may be zoomed in to ensure the default bond screen level is this value (in inch).


  • Kekule.AbstractConfigs