Molecule Comparison and Searching

Users often need to compare the structure, or search for substructure in molecules. The toolkit provides corresponding APIs.

Comparing Molecules

To check if two molecule structure is same, just call method isSameStructureWith:1

// compare srcMol and targetMol, check if the structure is same
var isSame = srcMol.isSameStructureWith(targetMol);
// report in console
var msg = 'The two molecules are ' + (isSame? 'same': 'different');

Substructure Searching

Substructure matching can be done by the following code:1

// search options
var options = {
  'level': Kekule.StructureComparationLevel.CONSTITUTION,  // compare in consititution level
  'compareCharge': false,   // ignore charge
  'compareMass': false      // ignore mass number difference
// check if srcMol is a sub structure in targetMol
var result =, options);

When not matching, the search result will be null, otherwise the result is an array that contains matching child objects (atoms and bonds) in targetMol. You can iterate it easily:1

for (var i = 0, l = result.length; i < l; ++i)
  var obj = result[i];
  if (obj instanceof Kekule.ChemStructureConnector)  // is bond
    console.log(obj.getClassName(), obj.getBondOrder? obj.getBondOrder(): '');
  else   // is atom
    console.log(obj.getClassName(), obj.getLabel());


Currently, stereochemistry is ignore during substructure search.


Substructure search is a time-consuming job, especially to complex molecules.


Example of this chapter can be found and run at here.