Introduction to Widget

Kekule.js provides many web widgets that can be integrated into HTML pages or web applications directly and easily. For example, user can create a periodical table widget, set its properties and insert it to an HTML element in several lines of JavaScript code:

var widget = new Kekule.ChemWidget.PeriodicTable(document);
  .setDisplayedComponents(['symbol', 'name', 'atomicNumber'])
  .appendToElem(document.getElementById('parent'));  // append to HTML element

You can also create widget on existing HTML element:

var widget = new Kekule.ChemWidget.PeriodicTable(document.getElementById('div1'));

Another way to create widget is HTML binding, using data-widget or data-kekule-widget attribute to set the class name of widget in normal HTML element. The following HTML code will bind periodical table widget directly to the div element and some properties of the widget are set by data- attributes simultaneously:

<div id="periodicTable1" data-widget="Kekule.ChemWidget.PeriodicTable"
  data-displayed-components="['symbol', 'name', atomicNumber']">

Then you can use method getWidgetOnElem or getWidgetById to access that widget in JavaScript code:

var periodicTable = Kekule.Widget.getWidgetById('periodicTable1');
var periodicTable = Kekule.Widget.getWidgetOnElem(document.getElementById('periodicTable1'));

Currently there are dozens of widgets shipped with the toolkit. They are divided into two groups: common widgets and chem widgets.

Common Widgets

These widgets are general-purposed and usually not directly related to chemoinformatics, including button, drop box, text editor, tab group, menu, dialog and so on. Here we will not introduce them in details. You can check the API document or demos in Kekule.js website.

Chem Widgets

The most useful chem widgets in the toolkit is composer, viewer and periodic table.

Widget Class



An interactive periodic table. Use can select one or more elements in it.


A widget to display molecule (and other chem objects) in 2D or 3D form. Basic interactions like zooming and rotation are also supported.


2D chemical structure editor capable of handling both molecule structure and other objects such as text block and reaction symbol.

The periodic table widget is relatively simple to use, this online demo illustrates functions of it. Viewer and composer are much powerful and they will be explored further in the following parts of this tutorial.